Class AlreadyAdminException
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Thrown when trying to assign role to a user/group while the user/group already has the role.
- See Also:
Constructor Summary
(Group authorizedGroup) Constructor with the authorized groupAlreadyAdminException
(Group authorizedGroup, Vo vo) Constructor with the authorized group and the voAlreadyAdminException
(Member member) Constructor with the memberAlreadyAdminException
(User user) Constructor with the userAlreadyAdminException
(User user, Vo vo) Constructor with the user and the voAlreadyAdminException
(String message) Simple constructor with a messageAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause) Constructor with a message and Throwable objectAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Facility facility) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and resourceAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Group group) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and groupAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Resource resource) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and resourceAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Resource resource, String role) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group, resource and roleAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, User sponsoredUser) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and sponsored userConstructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group, vo and roleAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, String role) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and roleAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Facility facility) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and facilityAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Group group) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and a groupAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Resource resource) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and resourceConstructor with a message, Throwable object, user, resource and roleAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, User user, User sponsoredUser) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and sponsored userConstructor with a message, Throwable object, user, vo and roleAlreadyAdminException
(String message, Throwable cause, User user, String role) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and roleAlreadyAdminException
(Throwable cause) Constructor with a Throwable object -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PerunException
getErrorId, getFriendlyMessageTemplate, getMessage, getName, setErrorId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Constructor Details
Simple constructor with a message- Parameters:
- message with details about the cause
Constructor with a message and Throwable object- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
Constructor with a Throwable object- Parameters:
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
Constructor with the member- Parameters:
- member who is already in the role
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and role- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionuser
- user who is already in the rolerole
- the role in which the user already is
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user, vo and role- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionuser
- user who is already in the rolevo
- the vo in which the user is already in the specific rolerole
- the role in which the user already is
public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Resource resource, String role) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user, resource and role- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionuser
- user who is already in the roleresource
- resource in which the user is already in the specific rolerole
- the role in which the user already is
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and sponsored user- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionuser
- user who is already a sponsorsponsoredUser
- user who is already sponsored by that user
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and facility- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionuser
- user who is already in the specific rolefacility
- facility in which the user is already in the specific role
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and resource- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionuser
- user who is already in the specific roleresource
- resource in which the user is already in the specific role
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and a group- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionuser
- user who is already in the specific rolegroup
- group in which the user is already in the specific role
Constructor with the user- Parameters:
- user who is already in the specific role
Constructor with the user and the vo- Parameters:
- user who is already in the specific rolevo
- vo in which the user is already in the specific role
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and role- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionauthorizedGroup
- group which is already in the specific rolerole
- the role in which the group already is
public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Vo vo, String role) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group, vo and role- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionauthorizedGroup
- group which is already in the specific rolevo
- vo in which the group is already in the specific rolerole
- the role in which the group already is
public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Resource resource, String role) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group, resource and role- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionauthorizedGroup
- group which is already in the specific roleresource
- resource in which the group is already in the specific rolerole
- the role in which the group already is
public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Facility facility) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and resource- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionauthorizedGroup
- group which is already in the specific rolefacility
- facility in which the group is already in the specific role
public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Resource resource) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and resource- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionauthorizedGroup
- group which is already in the specific roleresource
- resource in which the group is already in the specific role
public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, User sponsoredUser) Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and sponsored user- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionauthorizedGroup
- group which is already a sponsorsponsoredUser
- user who is already sponsored by the group
Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and group- Parameters:
- message with details about the causecause
- Throwable that caused throwing of this exceptionauthorizedGroup
- group which is already in the specific rolegroup
- group in which the group is already in the specific role
Constructor with the authorized group- Parameters:
- group which is already in the specific role
Constructor with the authorized group and the vo- Parameters:
- group which is already a in the specific rolevo
- resource in which the group is already in the specific role
Method Details
Getter for the authorized group- Returns:
- group which is already in the specific role
Getter for the facility- Returns:
- facility in which the user/entity is already in the specific role
Getter for the group- Returns:
- group in which the user/entity is already in the specific role
Getter for the member- Returns:
Getter for the resource- Returns:
- resource in which the user/entity is already in the specific role
Getter for the role- Returns:
- the specific role in which the user/group already is
Getter for the user- Returns:
- the user who is already in the specific role
Getter for the vo- Returns:
- the vo in which the user/entity is already in the specific role