Class AlreadyAdminException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AlreadyAdminException extends PerunException
Thrown when trying to assign role to a user/group while the user/group already has the role.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message)
      Simple constructor with a message
      message - message with details about the cause
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructor with a message and Throwable object
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(Throwable cause)
      Constructor with a Throwable object
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(Member member)
      Constructor with the member
      member - member who is already in the role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, String role)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and role
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      user - user who is already in the role
      role - the role in which the user already is
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Vo vo, String role)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user, vo and role
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      user - user who is already in the role
      vo - the vo in which the user is already in the specific role
      role - the role in which the user already is
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Resource resource, String role)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user, resource and role
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      user - user who is already in the role
      resource - resource in which the user is already in the specific role
      role - the role in which the user already is
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, User sponsoredUser)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and sponsored user
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      user - user who is already a sponsor
      sponsoredUser - user who is already sponsored by that user
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Facility facility)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and facility
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      user - user who is already in the specific role
      facility - facility in which the user is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Resource resource)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and resource
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      user - user who is already in the specific role
      resource - resource in which the user is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, User user, Group group)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, user and a group
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      user - user who is already in the specific role
      group - group in which the user is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(User user)
      Constructor with the user
      user - user who is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(User user, Vo vo)
      Constructor with the user and the vo
      user - user who is already in the specific role
      vo - vo in which the user is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, String role)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and role
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      authorizedGroup - group which is already in the specific role
      role - the role in which the group already is
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Vo vo, String role)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group, vo and role
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      authorizedGroup - group which is already in the specific role
      vo - vo in which the group is already in the specific role
      role - the role in which the group already is
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Resource resource, String role)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group, resource and role
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      authorizedGroup - group which is already in the specific role
      resource - resource in which the group is already in the specific role
      role - the role in which the group already is
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Facility facility)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and resource
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      authorizedGroup - group which is already in the specific role
      facility - facility in which the group is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Resource resource)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and resource
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      authorizedGroup - group which is already in the specific role
      resource - resource in which the group is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, User sponsoredUser)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and sponsored user
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      authorizedGroup - group which is already a sponsor
      sponsoredUser - user who is already sponsored by the group
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(String message, Throwable cause, Group authorizedGroup, Group group)
      Constructor with a message, Throwable object, authorized group and group
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
      authorizedGroup - group which is already in the specific role
      group - group in which the group is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(Group authorizedGroup)
      Constructor with the authorized group
      authorizedGroup - group which is already in the specific role
    • AlreadyAdminException

      public AlreadyAdminException(Group authorizedGroup, Vo vo)
      Constructor with the authorized group and the vo
      authorizedGroup - group which is already a in the specific role
      vo - resource in which the group is already in the specific role
  • Method Details

    • getAuthorizedGroup

      public Group getAuthorizedGroup()
      Getter for the authorized group
      group which is already in the specific role
    • getFacility

      public Facility getFacility()
      Getter for the facility
      facility in which the user/entity is already in the specific role
    • getGroup

      public Group getGroup()
      Getter for the group
      group in which the user/entity is already in the specific role
    • getMember

      public Member getMember()
      Getter for the member
    • getResource

      public Resource getResource()
      Getter for the resource
      resource in which the user/entity is already in the specific role
    • getRole

      public String getRole()
      Getter for the role
      the specific role in which the user/group already is
    • getUser

      public User getUser()
      Getter for the user
      the user who is already in the specific role
    • getVo

      public Vo getVo()
      Getter for the vo
      the vo in which the user/entity is already in the specific role