Class QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException extends InternalErrorException
Raised when transferred quotas attribute value is not in defined limit.
Michal Stava invalid input: '<'>
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException

      public QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException(String message)
      Simple constructor with a message
      message - message with details about the cause
    • QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException

      public QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructor with a message and Throwable object
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
    • QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException

      public QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException(Throwable cause)
      Constructor with a Throwable object
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception
    • QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException

      public QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException(Map<String,Pair<BigDecimal,BigDecimal>> quotaToCheck, Map<String,Pair<BigDecimal,BigDecimal>> limitQuota, String message)
      Constructor with quota to check, limit quota and message
      quotaToCheck - quota to be checked
      limitQuota - limit quota
      message - message with details about the cause
    • QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException

      public QuotaNotInAllowedLimitException(Map<String,Pair<BigDecimal,BigDecimal>> quotaToCheck, Map<String,Pair<BigDecimal,BigDecimal>> limitQuota, String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructor with quota to check, limit quota and message
      quotaToCheck - quota to be checked
      limitQuota - limit quota
      message - message with details about the cause
      cause - Throwable that caused throwing of this exception