Class SearcherEntry

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SearcherEntry extends Object implements Searcher
Slavek Licehammer
  • Constructor Details

    • SearcherEntry

      public SearcherEntry(PerunBl perunBl)
    • SearcherEntry

      public SearcherEntry()
  • Method Details

    • getFacilities

      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      This method get Map of Attributes with searching values and try to find all facilities, which have specific attributes in format. Better information about format below. When there are more than 1 attribute in Map, it means all must be true "looking for all of them" (AND)
      Specified by:
      getFacilities in interface Searcher
      sess - perun session
      attributesWithSearchingValues - map of attributes names when attribute is type String, so value is string and we are looking for total match (Partial is not supported now, will be supported later by symbol *) when attribute is type Integer, so value is integer in String and we are looking for total match when attribute is type List, so value is String and we are looking for at least one total or partial matching element when attribute is type Map so value is String in format "key=value" and we are looking total match of both or if is it "key" so we are looking for total match of key IMPORTANT: In map there is not allowed char '=' in key. First char '=' is delimiter in MAP item key=value!!!
      list of facilities that have attributes with specific values (behaviour above) if no such facility exists, returns empty list
      PrivilegeException - insufficient permission
      AttributeNotExistsException - when specified attribute does not exist
      WrongAttributeAssignmentException - wrong attribute assignment
      WrongAttributeValueException - wrong attribute value
    • getMembersByExpiration

      public List<Member> getMembersByExpiration(PerunSession sess, String operator, LocalDate date) throws PrivilegeException
      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      Return members with expiration date set, which will expire on specified date. You can specify operator for comparison (by default "=") returning exact match. So you can get all expired members (including today) using "<=" and current date. or using "<" and tomorrow date.

      Method ignores current member state, just compares expiration date !

      Specified by:
      getMembersByExpiration in interface Searcher
      sess - PerunSession
      operator - One of "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=". If null, "=" is anticipated.
      date - Date to compare expiration with (if null, current date is used).
      Members with expiration relative to method params.
    • getMembersByExpiration

      public List<Member> getMembersByExpiration(PerunSession sess, String operator, int days) throws PrivilegeException
      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      Return members with expiration date set, which will expire on today +/- X days. You can specify operator for comparison (by default "=") returning exact match. So you can get all expired members (including today) using "<=" and zero days shift. or using "<" and +1 day shift.

      Method ignores current member state, just compares expiration date !

      Specified by:
      getMembersByExpiration in interface Searcher
      sess - PerunSession
      operator - One of "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=". If null, "=" is anticipated.
      days - X days before/after today
      Members with expiration relative to method params.
    • getMembersByGroupExpiration

      public List<Member> getMembersByGroupExpiration(PerunSession sess, Group group, String operator, LocalDate date) throws PrivilegeException, GroupNotExistsException
      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      Return members with group expiration date set, which will expire on specified date in given group. You can specify operator for comparison (by default "=") returning exact match. So you can get all expired members (including today) using "<=" and today date. or using "<" and tomorrow date.

      Method returns members with its expiration status for given group. Method ignores current member state, just compares expiration date!

      Method returns also indirect members of group with expiration set (by accident probably), but we manage status only for direct members !!

      Specified by:
      getMembersByGroupExpiration in interface Searcher
      sess - Perun session
      operator - One of "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=". If null, "=" is anticipated.
      date - Date to compare expiration with (if null, current date is used).
      Members with expiration relative to method params.
      PrivilegeException - insufficient permission
    • getMembersByUserAttributes

      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      This method get Map of user Attributes with searching values and try to find all members, which have specific attributes in format for specific VO. Better information about format below. When there are more than 1 attribute in Map, it means all must be true "looking for all of them" (AND)

      if principal has no rights for operation, throw exception if principal has no rights for some attribute on specific user, do not return this user if attributesWithSearchingValues is null or empty, return all members from vo if principal has rights for this operation

      Specified by:
      getMembersByUserAttributes in interface Searcher
      sess - perun session
      userAttributesWithSearchingValues - map of attributes names when attribute is type String, so value is string and we are looking for total match (Partial is not supported now, will be supported later by symbol *) when attribute is type Integer, so value is integer in String and we are looking for total match when attribute is type List, so value is String and we are looking for at least one total or partial matching element when attribute is type Map so value is String in format "key=value" and we are looking total match of both or if is it "key" so we are looking for total match of key IMPORTANT: In map there is not allowed char '=' in key. First char '=' is delimiter in MAP item key=value!!!
      list of members who have attributes with specific values (behaviour above) if no member exist, return empty list of members
    • getMembers

      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      This method finds all members with given values of the queried attributes. The attributes are specified in the attributesWithSearching values map and can be both member and user attributes. The logical condition is AND meaning the values of all the queried attributes has to satisfy the search values for a member to be considered a match.

      If principal has no rights for this operation then throw an exception. If principal has no rights for some attribute on specific member then do not return this member. If attributesWithSearchingValues is null or empty return all members from the vo.

      Specified by:
      getMembers in interface Searcher
      sess - perun session
      attributesWithSearchingValues - map of attributes names to values to search by, with attribute values of string type a total match is looked for, same as with the integer type, with List attributes at least one matched item from the list is needed, A Map value is String in format "key=value" and we are looking complete match of both or if it is a "key" so we are looking for total match of key IMPORTANT: In map there is not allowed char '=' in key. First char '=' is delimiter in MAP item key=value!!!
      list of users who have attributes with specific values (behaviour above) if no user exist, return empty list of users
      WrongAttributeAssignmentException - wrong attribute value
    • getPerunBl

      public PerunBl getPerunBl()
    • getResources

      public List<Resource> getResources(PerunSession sess, Map<String,String> attributesWithSearchingValues, boolean allowPartialMatchForString) throws PrivilegeException, AttributeNotExistsException, WrongAttributeAssignmentException, WrongAttributeValueException
      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      This method get Map of Attributes with searching values and try to find all resources, which have specific attributes in format. Better information about format below. When there are more than 1 attribute in Map, it means all must be true "looking for all of them" (AND)
      Specified by:
      getResources in interface Searcher
      sess - perun session
      attributesWithSearchingValues - map of attributes names when attribute is type String, so value is string and we are looking for exact or partial match based by parameter 'allowPartialMatchForString' when attribute is type Integer, so value is integer in String and we are looking for total match when attribute is type List, so value is String and we are looking for at least one total or partial matching element when attribute is type Map so value is String in format "key=value" and we are looking total match of both or if is it "key" so we are looking for total match of key IMPORTANT: In map there is not allowed char '=' in key. First char '=' is delimiter in MAP item key=value!!!
      allowPartialMatchForString - if true, we are looking for partial match, if false, we are looking only for exact match (only for STRING type attributes)
      list of resources that have attributes with specific values (behaviour above) if no such resource exists, returns empty list
      PrivilegeException - insufficient permission
      AttributeNotExistsException - when specified attribute does not exist
      WrongAttributeAssignmentException - wrong attribute assignment
      WrongAttributeValueException - wrong attribute value
    • getSearcherBl

      public SearcherBl getSearcherBl()
    • getUsers

      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      This method get Map of Attributes with searching values and try to find all users, which have specific attributes in format. Better information about format below. When there are more than 1 attribute in Map, it means all must be true "looking for all of them" (AND)
      Specified by:
      getUsers in interface Searcher
      sess - perun session
      attributesWithSearchingValues - map of attributes names when attribute is type String, so value is string and we are looking for total match (Partial is not supported now, will be supported later by symbol *) when attribute is type Integer, so value is integer in String and we are looking for total match when attribute is type List, so value is String and we are looking for at least one total or partial matching element when attribute is type Map so value is String in format "key=value" and we are looking total match of both or if is it "key" so we are looking for total match of key IMPORTANT: In map there is not allowed char '=' in key. First char '=' is delimiter in MAP item key=value!!!
      list of users who have attributes with specific values (behaviour above) if no user exist, return empty list of users
    • getUsersForCoreAttributes

      public List<User> getUsersForCoreAttributes(PerunSession sess, Map<String,String> coreAttributesWithSearchingValues) throws AttributeNotExistsException, WrongAttributeAssignmentException, PrivilegeException, WrongAttributeValueException
      Description copied from interface: Searcher
      This method take map of coreAttributes with search values and return all users who have the specific match for all of these core attributes.
      Specified by:
      getUsersForCoreAttributes in interface Searcher
    • setPerunBl

      public void setPerunBl(PerunBl perunBl)
    • setSearcherBl

      public void setSearcherBl(SearcherBl searcherBl)