Interface ModulesConfigLoader

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ModulesConfigLoader
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  • Method Details

    • loadInteger

      Integer loadInteger(String moduleName, String property)
      For module with the given name, find an Integer configuration property with given name.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      found Integer property for given module
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified property value is null or is not found or the specified module configuration is not found
    • loadIntegerList

      List<Integer> loadIntegerList(String moduleName, String property)
      For module with the given name, find a list of Integers configuration property with given name.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      found list of Integers property for given module
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified property value is null or is not found or the specified module configuration is not found
    • loadIntegerListOrDefault

      List<Integer> loadIntegerListOrDefault(String moduleName, String property, List<Integer> defaultValue)
      For module with the given name, find a list of Integers configuration property with given name. If the module configuration does not contain the specified property, return the default value.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      defaultValue - default value
      found list of Integers property for given module, or default value if not found
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified property value is null or is not found or the specified module configuration is not found
    • loadIntegerOrDefault

      Integer loadIntegerOrDefault(String moduleName, String property, Integer defaultValue)
      For module with the given name, find an Integer configuration property with given name. If the module configuration does not contain the specified property, return the default value.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      defaultValue - default value
      found Integer property for given module, or default value if not found
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified module configuration is not found
    • loadString

      String loadString(String moduleName, String property)
      For module with the given name, find a String configuration property with given name.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      found String property for given module
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified property value is null or is not found or the specified module configuration is not found
    • loadStringList

      List<String> loadStringList(String moduleName, String property)
      For module with the given name, find a list of Strings configuration property with given name.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      found list of Strings property for given module
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified property value is null or is not found or the specified module configuration is not found
    • loadStringListOrDefault

      List<String> loadStringListOrDefault(String moduleName, String property, List<String> defaultValue)
      For module with the given name, find a list of Strings configuration property with given name. If the module configuration does not contain the specified property, return the default value.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      defaultValue - default value
      found list of Strings property for given module, or default value if not found
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified module configuration is not found
    • loadStringOrDefault

      String loadStringOrDefault(String moduleName, String property, String defaultValue)
      For module with the given name, find a String configuration property with given name. If the module configuration does not contain the specified property, return the default value.
      moduleName - name of a module
      property - name of a property
      defaultValue - default value
      found String property for given module, or default value if not found
      ModulePropertyNotFoundException - when the specified module configuration is not found
    • moduleFileExists

      boolean moduleFileExists(String moduleName)
      Checks if configuration file for given module exists.
      moduleName - name of a module
      true if configuration file exists, false otherwise