Package cz.metacentrum.perun.core.impl
package cz.metacentrum.perun.core.impl
ClassesClassDescriptionAttributesManager implementation.This class is responsible for runtime logging of audit events.Wrapper for AuditEvent associating it with originating user session.Implementation of AuditMessagesManagerImplApi with methods used to read stored auditer messages.Deprecated.A Base64 encoder/decoder.This class provide support for compatibility issues.Consents database logic.Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.This component checks that none of the default blocked logins is already used.Ext source for CSV files.This extSource is just for use loading users from LDAP of EGI SSO Need to be concrete because special parsing of user certificates.Ext source implementation for Google Groups.Dummy ExtSource - IdP - Identity federationCommon ancestor of ExtSource implementations.This is a specific version of SQL extSource extension for SQL Complex.Dummy ExtSource - InternalXML extSource for groups in IS MUImplementation of ExtSource for IT4I SCS API.Ext source for JSON files.Dummy ExtSource - KerberosExt source implementation for LDAP.ExtSource for synchronization from another Perun instanceExtSource class for REMS, filters subjects that does not have a corresponding user in Perun by ues REMS or by additionalueses in format: {extSourceName}|{extSourceClass}|{eppn}|0.Complex SQL extSource is extended SQL extSource with ability to get all subjects with all needed attributes by one query.Class ExtSource for TCS Synchronize certificates from defined address to Perun for existing users (skip not existing users)ExtSource implementation for Unity system.Dummy ExtSource - X.508Implementation of GroupsManagerDeprecated.Class holding configuration of perun apps brandings and apps' domains.Class holding data for a single branding.Class holding domains of new gui applications.DataSource used instead of HikariDataSource in Perun to override getConnection.Implementation of connection used in Perun to catch connection events.Methods and structures for working with locks on objects and actions.PerunPoliciesContainer stores a list of perun policies and map of role management rules..The purpose of the PerunRolesLoader is to load perun roles and other policies from the perun-roles.yml configuration file.Session - you need it for almost all operation.Component responsible for activating group-resource assignments in PROCESSING or FAILED state after Perun startup.This component is periodically called to search for and fix inconsistencies in automatic group-resource assignments.Searcher Class for searching objects by Map of AttributesValidates SSH keys using predefined rules and the `ssh-keygen` tool as a final checkClass used for scheduling group and group structure synchronizations.Synchronizer, general tool for synchronization tasks.TasksManagerImplUsersManager implementation.Utilities.VosManager implementation.