Interface GroupVirtualAttributesModuleImplApi

All Superinterfaces:
AttributesModuleImplApi, GroupAttributesModuleImplApi, VirtualAttributesModuleImplApi
All Known Implementing Classes:
GroupVirtualAttributesModuleAbstract, urn_perun_group_attribute_def_virt_adDisplayName_o365mu, urn_perun_group_attribute_def_virt_adGroupName, urn_perun_group_attribute_def_virt_autoRegistrationEnabled, urn_perun_group_attribute_def_virt_denbiProjectMembers, urn_perun_group_attribute_def_virt_groupDetailUrl, urn_perun_group_attribute_def_virt_voShortName

public interface GroupVirtualAttributesModuleImplApi extends GroupAttributesModuleImplApi, VirtualAttributesModuleImplApi
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Pavel Vyskocil <>
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeValue

      Attribute getAttributeValue(PerunSessionImpl perunSession, Group group, AttributeDefinition attribute)
      This method will return computed value.
      perunSession - perun session
      group - group which is needed for computing the value
      attribute - attribute to operate on
      InternalErrorException - if an exception is raised in particular implementation, the exception is wrapped in InternalErrorException
    • removeAttributeValue

      void removeAttributeValue(PerunSessionImpl perunSession, Group group, AttributeDefinition attribute)
      Currently do nothing.
      perunSession -
      group - group which is needed for computing the value
      attribute - attribute to operate on
    • setAttributeValue

      boolean setAttributeValue(PerunSessionImpl perunSession, Group group, Attribute attribute)
      Method sets attributes' values which are dependent on this virtual attribute.
      perunSession -
      group - group which is needed for computing the value
      attribute - attribute to operate on
      true if attribute was really changed