Package cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api
package cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api
ClassDescriptionRepresents group assigned to a resource.Represents member of group assigned to resourceRepresents resource assigned to a group.This class represents attribute (with value) of some object (VO, member).Represents types of actions that users can perform upon attributes.This class represents definition of attribute.Represents a policy of an attribute.Represents a policy collection of an attribute.Class containing attribute policies and information which actions are criticalThis class represent audit information.This is a wrapper around AuditEvent with metadata, like ID, timestamp, and actor.AuditMessagesManager manages audit messages (logs).Represents ban for someone on something in perun.Represents specific ban of user on facility.Represents specific ban of member on resource.Beans Utilities.Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated blocked logins.Class representing a query requesting a specific page of blocked logins.Candidate member of a Virtual Organization or candidate user.Group obtained from an extSource with the login and login of its parent in the external source.Candidate used in group synchronization.ConfigManager serves to manage configuration files.Represents consent from a user to process their informationRepresents a list of facilities with joint consent management.Consents entry logic.Core configuration values.Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.Object for representation of database version.Destination where services are propagated.Contains the ban on facility, the facility itself and (rich)user which has been banedRepresents ban on resource with resource and member together with user/member attributes.Class representing an extended version of
.Represents facility with its owners, destinations and hosts.Represents group with its attributes.Host with list of all its attributesClass representing Resource object with its attributesRepresents VO with its hierarchy (parent + member VOS).External Source BeanFacility manager can create a new facility or find an existing facility.Class represents facility.Represents Facility with its attributesThis class represents a node in the hierarchy of hashed data for provisioning.This class represents a node in the hierarchy of hashed data for provisioning.Group entity.Represents group-resource assignment with its status.Enum defining status of group-resource assignment.Groups manager can do all work about groups in VOs.Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated groups.Class representing a query requesting a specific page of groups.Class representing provisioning data structure with hashes.This interface represents objects, which has a UUID.Representation of the physical host.Member of a Virtual Organization.Candidate with member and rich user of a Virtual Organization.Enum defining member's status in groupMembersManager can find members.Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated members.Class representing a query requesting a specific page of members.Sponsored member with list of his sponsors (for GUI)Class representing a query requesting a specific page of audit messages.Deprecated.Deprecated.Paginated<T>This class represents paginated data.Pair<L,R> Perun himself.Basic class.PerunBeanProcessingPool<T extends PerunBean>Processing pool for processing PerunBeans as jobs.Representing client user (or machine) using to communicate with perun.PerunPolicy represents a set of rules which is used to determine principal's access rights.Identification of the acting person.Class containing information about PerunRequest.Encapsulates context of user's interaction with the Perun system.Represents resource.Manages resources.Resource Tag entity.RichAttribute<P,S> Destination where services are propagated.Facility with list of all its ownersGroup with list of all its attributes.Member of a Virtual Organization.Object which represents RichResourceClass representing an extended version ofUserExtSource
.RoleManagementRules represents a set of rules which is used to determine principal's access rights for managing and reading a role.Represents objects, upon which Perun roles can be set, e.g. role RESOURCEADMIN can be set upon Resource, Vo, Facility or no object (None).RT message beanRTMessage manager can create a new message and send it to RT like predefined service user.Class representing a Sponsor for some specific member.Class representing relationship between a sponsor (User id) and sponsored member (Member id).TasksManagerRepresents user of some source.User external authentication.UsersManager manages users.Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated users.Class representing a query requesting a specific page of users.Switch to choose between sync or async or none member validation in all member creation-like methods.Vo entity.VOs manager can create, delete, update and find VO.