RPC API documentation v42.0.1

Back to Documentation Version:  General How to use RPC Managers AttributesManagerAuditMessagesManagerAuthzResolverCabinetManagerConfigManagerConsentsManagerDatabaseManagerExtSourcesManagerFacilitiesManagerGroupsManagerIntegrationManagerInvitationsManagerMembersManagerNotificationManagerOwnersManagerRTMessagesManagerRegistrarManagerResourcesManagerSearcherSecurityTeamsManagerServicesManagerTasksManagerUsersManagerVosManager


Checks if this user-facility attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen the facility with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen the User with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't user-facility attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 27 , "user" : 82 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this facility attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen the facility with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't facility attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 65 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this vo attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVo id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionWhen the vo with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute isn't attribute of Vo with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 88 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this member-resource attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
MemberResourceMismatchExceptionWhen the member with id and resource with id aren't from the same Vo.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-resource attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 56 , "member" : 83 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this group-resource attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
GroupResourceMismatchExceptionWhen the group with id and Resource with id aren't from the same Vo.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't group-resource attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 81 , "group" : 90 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this resource attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of Resource with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 87 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this member-group attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 17 , "group" : 21 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this member attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-resource attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 24 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this group attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of Group with id.
WrongAttributeValueException When the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of referenced attribute (if any) is not valid.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 27 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this host attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
HostNotExistsExceptionWhen the host with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of Host with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of referenced attribute (if any) is not valid.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 95 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this user attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen the user with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't user-facility attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of referenced attribute (if any) is not valid.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 42 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this userExtSource attribute has valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserExtSourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the specified user external source with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of UserExtSource with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value is wrong/illegal.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of referenced attribute (if any) is not valid.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 85 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this user-facility attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen the facility with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen the User with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't user-facility attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 21 , "user" : 88 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this facility attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen the facility with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't facility attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 92 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this vo attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVo id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionWhen the vo with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute isn't attribute of Vo with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 83 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this member-resource attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
MemberResourceMismatchExceptionWhen the member with id and resource with id aren't from the same Vo.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-resource attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 25 , "member" : 80 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this group-resource attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
GroupResourceMismatchExceptionWhen the group with id and Resource with id aren't from the same Vo.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't group-resource attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 38 , "group" : 67 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this resource attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of Resource with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 57 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this member-group attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 52 , "group" : 88 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this member attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-resource attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 98 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this group attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of Group with id.
WrongAttributeValueException When the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 40 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this host attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
HostNotExistsExceptionWhen the host with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of Host with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 37 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this user attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen the user with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't user-facility attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 52 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if this userExtSource attribute has valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributeAttributeAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserExtSourceNotExistsExceptionWhen the specified user external source with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't attribute of UserExtSource with id.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 54 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Checks if attributes have valid semantics. These attributes can be from namespace: member, user, member-resource and user-facility.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
resourceintResource id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 35 , "resource" : 33 , "user" : 36 , "member" : 88 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these user-facility attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 18 , "user" : 20 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these facility attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 16 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these vo attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVo id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 22 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these member-resource attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, process also User and Member attributes. false is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 36 , "member" : 35 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response


Checks if these member-resource attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 44 , "member" : 51 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these group-resource attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 41 , "group" : 11 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these resource attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 55 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these member-group attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, process also User and Member attributes. false is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 25 , "group" : 93 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response


Checks if these member-group attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 41 , "group" : 33 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these member attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 43 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these host attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 4 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these user attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 52 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these userExtSource attributes have valid semantics.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 23 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if attributes have valid syntax. These attributes can be from namespace: member, user, member-resource and user-facility.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
resourceintResource id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 74 , "resource" : 1 , "user" : 1 , "member" : 74 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these user-facility attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 55 , "user" : 7 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these facility attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 97 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these vo attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVo id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 65 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these member-resource attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, process also User and Member attributes. false is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 58 , "member" : 22 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response


Checks if these member-resource attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 60 , "member" : 2 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these group-resource attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 32 , "group" : 90 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these resource attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 98 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these member-group attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, process also User and Member attributes. false is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 46 , "group" : 16 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response


Checks if these member-group attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 60 , "group" : 25 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these member attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 70 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these host attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 36 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these user attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 54 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Checks if these userExtSource attributes have valid syntax.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributesList<Attribute>Attributes List
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 12 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Converts attribute to nonunique - unmarks unique flag from attribute definition, and deletes all values from a special table with unique constraint that ensures that all values remain unique.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attrDefIdintAttributeDefinition id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen Attribute with id doesn't exist.
AttributeNotMarkedUniqueExceptionWhen Attribute with id is not unique.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "attrDefId" : 81 }

Example response


Converts attribute to unique - marks its definition as unique and ensures that all its values are unique. Entityless attributes cannot be converted to unique, only attributes attached to PerunBeans or pairs of PerunBeans.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attrDefIdintAttributeDefinition id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeAlreadymarkedUniqueExceptionWhen Attribute is already marked as unique.
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen Attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InternalErrorExceptionwhen some attribute values are not unique
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "attrDefId" : 30 }

Example response


Creates AttributeDefinition AttributeDefinition object must contain: namespace, friendlyName, type. Description, displayName and unique are optional. Other Parameters are ignored.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeDefinitionCreated AttributeDefinition

Example URL


Example params

{ "attribute" : { "friendlyName": "kerberosLogins", "namespace": "urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def", "type": "java.util.ArrayList" } }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" }

Creates AttributeDefinition

Parameter nameData typeDescription
namespaceStringnamespace in URN format
typeStringtype which is one of the: "java.lang.String", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Boolean", "java .util.ArrayList", "java.util.LinkedHashMap"
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeDefinitionCreated AttributeDefinition

Example URL


Example params

{ "friendlyName" : "kerberosLogins" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def" , "description" : "text" , "type" : "java.util.ArrayList" , "displayName" : "text" , "unique" : {...} }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" }

Deletes attribute definition from Perun including all values set for any entity

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeintAttributeDefinition id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RelationExistsExceptionWhen attribute definition has any relation to some application form item or to some service as a required attribute
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "attribute" : 20 }

Example response


Deletes multiple attribute definitions from Perun including all values set for any entity.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributesList<int>AttributeDefinition id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "attributes" : {...} }

Example response


Takes all Member related attributes (Member, User, Member-Resource, User-Facility) and tries to fill them and set them.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen we try to fill/set Attribute from unrelated namespace.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 45 }

Example response


Tries to fill host attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 13 , "attribute" : 21 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill group-resource attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 88 , "group" : 26 , "attribute" : 4 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill member-resource attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 99 , "member" : 26 , "attribute" : 87 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill resource attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 60 , "attribute" : 11 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill user-facility attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
facilityintFacility id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 1 , "facility" : 32 , "attribute" : 77 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill user attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 82 , "attribute" : 21 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill member-group attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 35 , "group" : 50 , "attribute" : 72 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill member attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 52 , "attribute" : 39 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill group attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributeintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Attributeattribute which may have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 50 , "attribute" : 48 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Tries to fill host attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 76 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill group-resource attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 84 , "group" : 9 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill user, member, member-resource and user-facility attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
resourceintResource id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 84 , "resource" : 14 , "user" : 16 , "member" : 84 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill member-resource attributes and also user and user-facility attributes, if workWithUserAttributes == true.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 11 , "member" : 79 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill member-resource attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 27 , "member" : 4 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill resource attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 37 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill member-group attributes and also member and user attributes, if workWithUserAttributes == true.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, process also User and Member attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 61 , "group" : 56 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill member-group attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 96 , "group" : 11 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill member attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 86 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill user-facility attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 8 , "user" : 2 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 85 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Tries to fill group attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>attributes which MAY have filled value

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 28 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns list of all possible namespaces

Parameter nameData typeDescription
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
listof namespaces

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 18 , "user" : 5 , "attributeId" : 19 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 96 , "attributeId" : 6 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 77 , "attributeId" : 23 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 7 , "resource" : 74 , "attributeId" : 56 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 42 , "resource" : 34 , "attributeId" : 60 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 35 , "attributeId" : 70 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 97 , "group" : 81 , "attributeId" : 24 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 42 , "attributeId" : 84 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 77 , "attributeId" : 78 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 65 , "attributeId" : 99 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 42 , "attributeId" : 50 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 60 , "user" : 7 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 60 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 82 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 31 , "resource" : 7 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 72 , "resource" : 10 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 8 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 35 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 9 , "group" : 54 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 67 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 90 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 83 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns an Attribute by its name.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeFound Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 0 , "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" }

Returns AttributeDefinition.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeDefinitionDefinition of an Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "attributeName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" }

Returns AttributeDefinition.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
idintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeDefinitionDefinition of an Attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "id" : 52 }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" }

Generates text file describing dependencies between attribute modules. The format of text file can be specified by parameter. Modules that has no dependency relations are omitted.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
formatStringCurrently supported formats are DOT and TGF.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InternalErrorExceptionwhen some internal error happens.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "format" : [ "DOT" ] }

Example response


Generates image file describing dependencies of given attribute. The format of text file can be specified by parameter. Modules that has no dependency relations are omitted.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attrNameattributename which dependencies will be found.
formatStringCurrently supported formats are DOT and TGF.
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionwhen specified attribute doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InternalErrorExceptionwhen some internal error happens.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "attrName" : [ "urn:perun:resource:attribute-def:virt:unixGID" ] , "format" : [ "DOT" ] }

Example response


Gets attribute policy collections for an attribute definition with given id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeIdintAttributeDefinition id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen AttributeDefinition with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<AttributePolicyCollection>all policy collections of attribute definition

Example URL


Example params

{ "attributeId" : 72 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 10 , "attributeId" : 2220 , "action" : "READ" , "policies" : [ { "id" : 290 , "role" : "RESOURCEADMIN" , "object" : "Resource" , "policyCollectionId" : 10 } , {...} , {...} ] } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets AttributeRights for specified Attribute. Rights specify which Role can do particular actions (read / write) with Attribute. Method always return rights for following roles: VOADMIN, GROUPADMIN, FACILITYADMIN, SELF.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeIdintAttribute id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen Attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<AttributeRights>all rights of the attribute

Example URL


Example params

{ "attributeId" : 70 }

Example response

[ { "attributeId" : 5 , "role" : "VOADMIN", "rights" : [ "READ" , "WRITE"] } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets attribute rules containing policy collections and critical actions for an attribute definition with given id

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeDefinitionidof the attribute definition
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
sAttributeNotExistsException when there is no attribute definition with such id
Return typeDescription
attributerules of the attribute definition

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} , "attributeDefinition" : {...} }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Returns all non-empty User-Facility attributes for selected User and Facility.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen Facility with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen User with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty User-Facility attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 14 , "user" : 91 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Facility attributes for selected Facility.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
Thrown exceptionDescription
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen Facility with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Facility attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 85 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Facility attributes for selected Facility If attrNames is empty, it returns empty list of attributes

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen Facility with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Facility attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 95 , "attrNames" : [ "text" , "text" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Vo attributes for selected Vo.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVo id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionWhen Vo with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Vo attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 5 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Vo attributes for selected Vo.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionWhen Vo with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Vo attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 1 , "attrNames" : [ "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:def:contactEmail" , "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core:shortName" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty UserExtSource attributes for selected UserExtSource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserExtSourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Ues with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty UserExtSource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 30 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified UserExtSource attributes for selected UserExtSource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserExtSourceNotExistsExceptionWhen userExtSource with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified UserExtSource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 96 , "attrNames" : [ "urn:perun:ues:attribute-def:opt:optionalAttribute" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Member-Resource attributes for selected Member and Resource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, return also User and Member attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Member-Resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 73 , "resource" : 87 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns selected non-empty Member, User, Member-Resource and User-Facility attributes (by list of attribute names) for selected Member and Resource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, return also user and user-facility attributes. False is default.
attrNamesList<String>List of attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Selected non-empty User, Member, Member-Resource, User-Facility attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 0 , "resource" : 53 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true , "attrNames" : [ "text" , "text" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Member-Resource attributes for selected Member and Resource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Member-Resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 12 , "resource" : 93 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Get all attributes by the list of attrNames if they are in one of these namespaces: - member - group - member-group - resource - member-resource - group-resource - user (get from member object) - facility (get from resource object) - user-facility

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
GroupResourceMismatchExceptionWhen Group is not from the same Vo as Resource.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
MemberResourceMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Resource.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All attributes from supported namespaces.

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 79 , "group" : 54 , "resource" : 78 , "attrNames" : [ "text" , "text" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Group-Resource attributes for selected Group and Resource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Group-Resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 54 , "resource" : 51 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Group-Resource attributes for selected Group and Resource. If workWithGroupAttributes == true then also all non-empty Group attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
workWithGroupAttributesbooleanIf true, return also Group attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Group-Resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 82 , "resource" : 74 , "workWithGroupAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Group-Resource attributes for selected Group and Resource. If attrNames is empty, it returns all non-empty attributes. If workWithGroupAttributes == true then also Group attributes are returned. False is default.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
workWithGroupAttributesbooleanIf true, return also Group attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Group-Resource attributes and (if workWithGroupAttributes == true) also Group attributes.

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 26 , "resource" : 19 , "attrNames" : [ "text" , "text" ] , "workWithGroupAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Resource attributes for selected Resource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 73 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Resource attributes for selected Resource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource with id doesn't exist.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Resource attributes.

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 62 , "attrNames" : [ "text" , "text" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Member-Group attributes for selected Member and Group. If workWithUserAttribute == true then also all non-empty User attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, return also User and Member attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Member-Group attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 80 , "group" : 83 , "attrNames" : [ "text" , "text" ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Member attributes for selected Member.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Member attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 15 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Member attributes for selected Member. If workWithUserAttributes == true then also all non-empty User attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, return also User attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Member attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 41 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Member-Group attributes for selected Member and Group

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Member-Group attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 20 , "group" : 9 , "attrNames" : [ "text" , "text" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Member attributes for selected Member.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Member attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 24 , "attrNames" : [ "urn:perun:member:attribute-def:def:mail" , "urn:perun:member:attribute-def:def:membershipExpiration" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Member-Group attributes for selected Member and Group.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All Member-Group attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 77 , "group" : 66 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty User attributes for selected User.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen User with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty User attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 18 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified User attributes for selected User.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen User with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified User attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 68 , "attrNames" : [ "urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:phone" , "urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:preferredMail" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Group attributes for selected Group.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Group attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 41 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all specified Group attributes for selected Group.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Specified Group attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 14 , "attrNames" : [ "urn:perun:user:attribute-def:core:description" , "urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:synchronizationEnabled" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Host attributes for selected Host.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
Thrown exceptionDescription
HostNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Host attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 50 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all Host attributes for selected Host which have name in list attrNames (empty too). Empty list attrNames will return no attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attrNamesList<String>Attribute names
Thrown exceptionDescription
HostNotExistsExceptionWhen Group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Host attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 67 , "attrNames" : [ "urn:perun:host:attribute-def:core:hostname" , "urn:perun:host:attribute-def:def:frontend" ] }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all non-empty Entityless attributes with subject equaled key.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
keyStringString key
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All non-empty Entityless attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "key" : "text" }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all AttributeDefinitions.

Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<AttributeDefinition>Definitions of Attributes

Example URL


Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all AttributeDefinitions in a namespace.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<AttributeDefinition>Definitions of Attributes in a namespace

Example URL


Example params

{ "namespace" : "text" }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all AttributeDefinitions for every entity and possible combination of entities with rights. Only attribute definition of attributes user can read (or write) you will get. Combination of entities is based on provided parameters, which are optional (at least one must be present).

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintid of Member
userintid of User
vointid of Virtual organization
groupintid of Group
resourceintid of Resource
facilityintid of Facility
hostintid of Host
userExtSourceintid of UserExtSource
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<AttributeDefinition>Definitions of Attributes for entities

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 63 , "user" : 14 , "vo" : 55 , "group" : 70 , "resource" : 58 , "facility" : 73 , "host" : 5 , "userExtSource" : 57 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns all entityless attributes with attrName (for all namespaces of same attribute).

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attrNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>All entityless attributes with same name

Example URL


Example params

{ "attrName" : "urn:perun:entityless:attribute-def:def:namespace-minUID" }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Get entityless attributes mapped by their keys.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attrNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionwhen the attribute definition for attrName doesn't exist
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptioninsufficient permissions
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionwhen passed non-entityless attribute
Return typeDescription
Map<String,Attribute>of entityless attributes mapped by their keys

Example URL


Example params

{ "attrName" : "text" }

Example response

{ "key" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , "key2" : {...} }

Get entityless attributes mapped by their keys. Returns only attributes for specified keys.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attrNameStringAttribute name
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionwhen the attribute definition for attrName doesn't exist, or when there is no such attribute for one of the specified keys
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptioninsufficient permissions
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionwhen passed non-entityless attribute
Return typeDescription
Map<String,Attribute>of entityless attributes mapped by their keys

Example URL


Example params

{ "attrName" : "text" , "keys" : [ "text" , "text" ] }

Example response

{ "key" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , "key2" : {...} }

Returns list of Keys which fits the attributeDefinition.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeDefinitionidof the attributeDefinition
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<String>All keys for attributeDefinition

Example URL


Example params

{ "attributeDefinition" : {...} }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Returns list of definitions of IdP attributes that are filled to fedInfo

Parameter nameData typeDescription
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
listof attribute definitions

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Get all users logins as Attributes. Meaning it returns all non-empty User attributes with URN starting with: "urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:login-namespace:".

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen User with id doesn't exist.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>List of users logins as Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 98 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member and member-resource attributes required by the specified service.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
serviceintService id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 94 , "service" : 42 , "resource" : 77 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member and member-resource attributes required by the specified service. If workWithUserAttributes == TRUE, then returns also user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
serviceintService id
resourceintResource id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 28 , "service" : 96 , "resource" : 24 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns group-resource attributes required by specified service.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
serviceintService id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 59 , "service" : 59 , "resource" : 43 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns resource attributes required by specified service.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
serviceintService id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "service" : 98 , "resource" : 66 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member, member-group and member-resource attributes required by specified service. If workWithUserAttributes == TRUE, then returns also user and user-facility attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
serviceintService id
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
memberintMember id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, return also User and User-facility attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "service" : 87 , "resource" : 80 , "group" : 19 , "member" : 89 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member, member-group and member-resource attributes required by specified service.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
serviceintService id
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "service" : 83 , "resource" : 20 , "group" : 55 , "member" : 90 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member-group attributes required by specified service. If workWithUserAttributes == TRUE, then returns also member and user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
serviceintService id
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, return also User and Member attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
ServiceNotExistsExceptionWhen Service not exists by its id.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "service" : 3 , "member" : 44 , "group" : 18 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member-group attributes required by specified service.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
serviceintService id
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
ServiceNotExistsExceptionWhen Service not exists by its id.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "service" : 81 , "member" : 87 , "group" : 94 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns facility attributes required by specified service.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
serviceintService id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 95 , "service" : 96 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns facility attributes required by specified list of services.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
servicesList<int>list of Service IDs
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 70 , "services" : {...} }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns resource attributes required by specified list of services.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
servicesList<int>list of Service IDs
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 69 , "services" : {...} }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required host attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
serviceintService id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 78 , "service" : 2 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required vo attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVo id
serviceintService id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 38 , "service" : 28 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required member and member-resource attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 55 , "resource" : 74 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required member and member-resource attributes. If workWithUserAttributes == TRUE, then returns also user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 71 , "resource" : 64 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required resource attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 90 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required user-facility attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 90 , "user" : 32 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required facility attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 80 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required member attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 60 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required member attributes. If workWithUserAttributes == TRUE, then returns also user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 37 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member and member-group required attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 82 , "group" : 30 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns member and member-group required attributes. If workWithUserAttributes == TRUE, then returns also user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 57 , "group" : 67 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Required Attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 27 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Returns required attributes definition for a Service.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
serviceintService id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<AttributeDefinition>Attributes definitions

Example URL


Example params

{ "service" : 11 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member, user, member-resource and user-facility attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
facilityintFacility id
resourceintResource id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member, user, member-resource and user-facility attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 19 , "facility" : 84 , "resource" : 84 , "user" : 72 , "member" : 55 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member-resource attributes and also user, user-facility and member attributes, if workWithUserAttributes == true. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member-resource attributes (if workWithUserAttributes == true also user, user-facility and member attributes)

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 77 , "resource" : 80 , "member" : 88 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member-resource attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member-resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 77 , "resource" : 91 , "member" : 2 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member-group attributes and also user and member attributes, if workWithUserAttributes == true. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, return also User and Member attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource not exists by its id.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member-group attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 43 , "member" : 6 , "group" : 29 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member-group attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource not exists by its id.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member-group attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 1 , "member" : 37 , "group" : 77 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 63 , "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 47 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets user-facility attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>User-facility attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 6 , "facility" : 21 , "user" : 14 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets user attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>User's attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 67 , "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 71 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets group-resource and also group attributes, if workWithGroupAttributes == true. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
workWithGroupAttributesbooleanWork with group attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Group-resource and (if workWithGroupAttributes == true) group required attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 50 , "group" : 48 , "resource" : 10 , "workWithGroupAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets group-resource attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Group-resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 58 , "resource" : 65 , "group" : 11 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member-group and member-resource attributes. If workWithUserAttributes == TRUE then return also member, user, user-facility attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
memberintMember id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with member, user, user-facility attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member-group and member-resource attributes, if workWithUserAttributes == TRUE, member, user and user-facility attributes are returned too.

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 43 , "resource" : 48 , "group" : 54 , "member" : 24 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets member-group and member-resource attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Member-group and member-resource attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 44 , "resource" : 37 , "group" : 87 , "member" : 46 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets group attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified resource. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Group's attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 57 , "group" : 45 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Gets host attributes. It returns attributes required by all services assigned to specified host. Both empty and non-empty attributes are returned.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceToGetServicesFromintResource to get services from id
hostintHost id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
List<Attribute>Group's attributes

Example URL


Example params

{ "resourceToGetServicesFrom" : 46 , "host" : 64 }

Example response

[ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ]

Unset all attributes for the user on the facility.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 77 , "user" : 4 }

Example response


Unset all attributes for the facility and also user-facility attributes if workWithUserAttributes == true.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanRemove also user facility attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 66 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response


Unset all attributes for the facility.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 3 }

Example response


Unset all attributes for the vo.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVo id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 43 }

Example response


Unset all attributes for the member on the resource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 83 , "resource" : 70 }

Example response


Unset all group-resource attributes and also group attributes if WorkWithGroupAttributes == true.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
workWithGroupAttributesbooleanWork with group attributes. False is default value.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 65 , "resource" : 17 , "workWithGroupAttributes" : true }

Example response


Unset all group-resource attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 2 , "resource" : 70 }

Example response


Unset all resource attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 65 }

Example response


Unset all member-group attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 18 , "group" : 96 }

Example response


Unset all member attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 59 }

Example response


Unset all user attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 35 }

Example response


Unset all group attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 51 }

Example response


Unset all host attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 37 }

Example response


Unset all attributes for the userExtSource.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 21 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: user-facility

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 50 , "user" : 38 , "attribute" : 49 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: facility

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 58 , "attribute" : 59 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: vo

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 71 , "attribute" : 59 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: resource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 6 , "attribute" : 51 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: group-resource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 11 , "group" : 21 , "attribute" : 44 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: member-resource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 99 , "member" : 71 , "attribute" : 73 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: member-group

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 14 , "group" : 51 , "attribute" : 70 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: member

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 67 , "attribute" : 31 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: group

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 28 , "attribute" : 79 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: host

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 34 , "attribute" : 36 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: user

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 47 , "attribute" : 87 }

Example response


Remove attribute of namespace: userExtSource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 62 , "attribute" : 97 }

Example response


Remove entityless attribute key

Parameter nameData typeDescription
keyStringkey for entityless attribute
attributeintid of attribute to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "key" : "text" , "attribute" : 7 }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: user, user-facility, member, member-resource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen the Facility with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen the User with id doesn't exist.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 54 , "user" : 63 , "member" : 78 , "resource" : 55 , "attributes" : [ 37 , 94 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: user, user-facility, member, member-resource, member-group

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 30 , "user" : 85 , "member" : 23 , "resource" : 23 , "group" : 80 , "attributes" : [ 4 , 56 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: user-facility

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 20 , "user" : 81 , "attributes" : [ 42 , 37 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: facility

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 2 , "attributes" : [ 9 , 81 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: vo

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 72 , "attributes" : [ 83 , 99 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: resource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 3 , "attributes" : [ 88 , 57 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: group-resource, group (optional)

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
workWithGroupAttributesbooleanWork with group attributes. False is default value.
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 50 , "group" : 20 , "workWithGroupAttributes" : true , "attributes" : [ 93 , 50 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: group-resource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 11 , "group" : 79 , "attributes" : [ 73 , 78 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: member-resource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
memberintMember id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 43 , "member" : 22 , "attributes" : [ 52 , 16 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: member, user (optional)

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanSet to true if you want to remove also user attributes. False is default value.
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 98 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true , "attributes" : [ 39 , 90 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: member-group

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 51 , "group" : 70 , "attributes" : [ 59 , 78 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: member-group, optionally also member and user

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, process also User and Member attributes. false is default.
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen the attribute with id doesn't exist.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen the group with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen the member with id doesn't exist.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
WrongAttributeAssignmentExceptionWhen the attribute with id isn't member-group attribute.
WrongAttributeValueExceptionWhen the attribute value has wrong/illegal syntax.
WrongReferenceAttributeValueExceptionWhen value of some Attribute is not correct regarding to other Attribute value.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 72 , "group" : 61 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true , "attributes" : [ 5 , 11 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: member

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 9 , "attributes" : [ 10 , 18 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: group

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 14 , "attributes" : [ 56 , 51 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: host

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 49 , "attributes" : [ 22 , 89 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: user

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 84 , "attributes" : [ 16 , 78 ] }

Example response


Remove attributes of namespace: userExtSource

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributesList<Integer>List of attributes IDs to remove
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 48 , "attributes" : [ 62 , 59 ] }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 9 , "user" : 22 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 39 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 83 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 57 , "resource" : 79 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 58 , "resource" : 34 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 29 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 23 , "group" : 93 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 70 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 46 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 20 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 79 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Sets an Attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributeAttributeJSON object
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 44 , "attribute" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } }

Example response


Marks the action on attribute as critical, which may require additional authentication of user performing that action on attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeDefinitionattributedefinition id
criticaltrueif action should be set critical, false to non-critical
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
sRelationExistsException if trying to mark already critical action
sRelationNotExistsException if trying to unmark not critical action
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} , "attributeDefinition" : {...} , "action" : {...} , "critical" : {...} }

Example response


Marks the action on attribute as critical, which may require additional authentication of user performing that action on attribute.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeDefinitionattributedefinition id
criticaltrueif action should be set critical, false to non-critical
globaltrueif action should be globally critical, false if action should be critical only for critical objects
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
sRelationExistsException if trying to mark already critical action
sRelationNotExistsException if trying to unmark not critical action
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} , "attributeDefinition" : {...} , "action" : {...} , "critical" : {...} , "global" : {...} }

Example response


Deletes old attribute policy collections and sets all new attribute policy collections.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
policyCollectionsList<AttributePolicyCollection>list of AttributePolicyCollection to set
attributeIdintattribute for which policies are set
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen Attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RoleNotSupportedExceptionWhen some of the AttributePolicyCollection does have a role which does not exist
RoleObjectCombinationInvalidExceptionwhen the combination role + RoleObject of any included policy isn't valid
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "policyCollections" : [ { "id" : 10 , "attributeId" : 2220 , "action" : "READ" , "policies" : [ { "id" : 290 , "role" : "RESOURCEADMIN" , "object" : "Resource" , "policyCollectionId" : 10 } , {...} , {...} ] } , {...} , {...} ] , "attributeId" : 57 }

Example response


Sets all AttributeRights in the list given as a parameter. Allowed Roles to set rights for are: VOADMIN, GROUPADMIN, FACILITYADMIN, SELF.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
rightsList<AttributeRights>List of AttributeRights to set.
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen Attribute with id doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "rights" : [ { "attributeId" : 5 , "role" : "VOADMIN", "rights" : [ "READ" , "WRITE"] } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 67 , "user" : 74 , "member" : 29 , "resource" : 40 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
groupinGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
FacilityNotExistsExceptionWhen Facility not exists by its id.
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
GroupResourceMismatchExceptionWhen Group is not from the same Vo as Resource.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
MemberResourceMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Resource.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
ResourceNotExistsExceptionWhen Resource not exists by its id.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
UserNotExistsExceptionWhen User not exists by its id.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 85 , "user" : 55 , "member" : 27 , "resource" : 56 , "group" : {...} , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 77 , "user" : 35 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
facilityintFacility id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "facility" : 44 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 74 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userExtSourceintUserExtSource id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "userExtSource" : 4 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 11 , "resource" : 31 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
resourceintResource id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 17 , "resource" : 76 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 19 , "resource" : 37 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
resourceintResource id
workWithGroupAttributesbooleanWork with group attributes. False is default value.
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 0 , "resource" : 7 , "workWithGroupAttributes" : true , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
resourceintResource id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "resource" : 86 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
workWithUserAttributesbooleanIf true, store also User and Member attributes. False is default.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 11 , "group" : 29 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] , "workWithUserAttributes" : true }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
workWithUserAttributesbooleanWork with user attributes. False is default value.
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 98 , "workWithUserAttributes" : true , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionWhen Group not exists by its id.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
MemberGroupMismatchExceptionWhen Member is not from the same Vo as Group.
MemberNotExistsExceptionWhen Member not exists by its id.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 95 , "group" : 56 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberintMember id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "member" : 22 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
userintUser id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "user" : 68 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 48 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Sets the attributes.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
hostintHost id
attributesList<Attribute>List of attributes
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "host" : 57 , "attributes" : [ { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "value" : "2011-05-17 00:50:06.3" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "Attribute" } , {...} , {...} ] }

Example response


Updates AttributeDefinition in Perun based on provided object. Update is done on AttributeDefinition selected by its id.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
attributeDefinitionAttributeDefinitionAttributeDefinition with updated properties to store in DB
Thrown exceptionDescription
AttributeNotExistsExceptionWhen AttributeDefinition with id in object doesn't exist.
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
AttributeDefinitionupdated AttributeDefinition

Example URL


Example params

{ "attributeDefinition" : { "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" } }

Example response

{ "id" : 2820 , "friendlyName" : "createdAt" , "namespace" : "urn:perun:vo:attribute-def:core" , "type" : "java.lang.String" , "entity" : "vo" , "writable" : true , "baseFriendlyName" : "createdAt" , "friendlyNameParameter" : "" , "unique" : false , "displayName" : "VO created date" , "description" : "Date when VO was created." , "beanName" : "AttributeDefinition" }