RPC API documentation v42.0.1

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Checks if an invitation given by the uuid exists and if it is in a pending state. If yes return the invitation, otherwise throws an exception.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
uuidrandomtoken assigned to the invitation
grouptheid of the group for which the invitation is to be used
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InvalidInvitationStatusExceptionstatus is other than pending
InvitationNotExistsExceptioninvitation does not exist
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptioninsufficient rights
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} , "uuid" : {...} , "group" : {...} }

Example response


Extend the invitation date on the expiration to some later date.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
invitationintInvitation id
expirationStringNew expiration date of the invitation, should be later than the old, yyyy-mm-dd format.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InvalidInvitationStatusExceptionwhen invitation is not PENDING
InvitationNotExistsExceptionInvitation does not exist
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "invitation" : 92 , "expiration" : "text" }

Example response


Extend the invitation date on the expiration by one month.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
invitationintInvitation id
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InvalidInvitationStatusExceptionwhen invitation is not PENDING
InvitationNotExistsExceptionInvitation does not exist
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "invitation" : 63 }

Example response


Extend the invitation date on the expiration to some later date.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
uuidtokenof the Invitation
expirationStringNew expiration date of the invitation, should be later than the old, yyyy-mm-dd format.
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InvalidInvitationStatusExceptionwhen invitation is not PENDING
InvitationNotExistsExceptionInvitation does not exist
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "uuid" : {...} , "expiration" : "text" }

Example response


Extend the invitation date on the expiration by one month.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
uuidtokenof the Invitation
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InvalidInvitationStatusExceptionwhen invitation is not PENDING
InvitationNotExistsExceptionInvitation does not exist
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "uuid" : {...} }

Example response


Get invitation object associated with the application. Return null if such invitation doesn't exist.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
appIdintid of application to send notification for
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptioninsufficient rights
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "appId" : 43 }

Example response


Returns invitation by ID

Parameter nameData typeDescription
invitationidof the invitation
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
InvitationNotExistsExceptioninvitation does not exist
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptioninsufficient rights
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} , "invitation" : {...} }

Example response


Get page of invitations for the given group. Query parameter specifies offset, page size, sorting order, sorting column, statuses of the invitations, searched range of expiration date and string to search invitations by id, receiver name/email or sender name/email.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
groupintGroup id
queryInvitationsPageQueryQuery with page information
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionif there is no such group
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptionif user doesn't have sufficient privileges
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
Paginated<InvitationWithSender>page of requested invitations with sender's information

Example URL


Example params

{ "group" : 22 , "query" : {...} }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Send invitation link to end user's email. The link leads to the application form of the group, when filled out a pre-approved application is created and associated with the invitation. Pre-approved applications bypass the application process and always are automatically approved.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
groupintGroup id
receiverNameStringName of the receiving user
receiverEmailStringEmail of the receiving user
languageStringLanguage to be used in invitation, should match available locales of the instance
expirationStringLast date, when the expiration link is valid, yyyy-mm-dd format.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionGroup does not exist
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionVO does not exist
Return typeDescription
Invitationcreated Invitation object

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 90 , "group" : 78 , "receiverName" : "text" , "receiverEmail" : "text" , "language" : "text" , "expiration" : "text" }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Send invitation link to end user's email. The link leads to the application form of the group, when filled out a pre-approved application is created and associated with the invitation. Pre-approved applications bypass the application process and always are automatically approved.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
groupintGroup id
receiverNameStringName of the receiving user
receiverEmailStringEmail of the receiving user
languageStringLanguage to be used in invitation, should match available locales of the instance
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionGroup does not exist
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionVO does not exist
Return typeDescription
Invitationcreated Invitation object

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 58 , "group" : 84 , "receiverName" : "text" , "receiverEmail" : "text" , "language" : "text" }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Send invitation link to end user's email. The link leads to the application form of the group, when filled out a pre-approved application is created and associated with the invitation. Pre-approved applications bypass the application process and always are automatically approved.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
groupintGroup id
receiverNameStringName of the receiving user
receiverEmailStringEmail of the receiving user
languageStringLanguage to be used in invitation, should match available locales of the instance
expirationStringLast date, when the expiration link is valid, yyyy-mm-dd format.
redirectUrlStringUrl to redirect to after filling out the application.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionGroup does not exist
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RegistrarExceptionwhen email address format is incorrect
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionVO does not exist
Return typeDescription
Invitationcreated Invitation object

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 73 , "group" : 80 , "receiverName" : "text" , "receiverEmail" : "text" , "language" : "text" , "expiration" : "text" , "redirectUrl" : "text" }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Send invitation link to end user's email. The link leads to the application form of the group, when filled out a pre-approved application is created and associated with the invitation. Pre-approved applications bypass the application process and always are automatically approved.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
groupintGroup id
receiverNameStringName of the receiving user
receiverEmailStringEmail of the receiving user
languageStringLanguage to be used in invitation, should match available locales of the instance
redirectUrlStringUrl to redirect to after filling out the application.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptionGroup does not exist
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionInsufficient rights
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RegistrarExceptionwhen email address format is incorrect
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionVO does not exist
Return typeDescription
Invitationcreated Invitation object

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 16 , "group" : 46 , "receiverName" : "text" , "receiverEmail" : "text" , "language" : "text" , "redirectUrl" : "text" }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Creates invitations based on the CSV parameters, for each generates the UUID token, creates invitation link to the group application form with the token as parameter and sends it to the receiver's email. Optionally a redirect url can be passed, which the user will be redirected to after filling out the form. Should an error occur in the process, the created invitation is set to the UNSENT state.

Expected format: `receiverName;receiverEmail\n`

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
groupintGroup id
invitationDatacsvfile values separated by semicolon ';'. Only [name; email] is valid format.
languageStringLanguage to be used in invitation, should match available locales of the instance
expirationStringLast date, when the expiration link is valid, yyyy-mm-dd format.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptiongroup does not exist
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptioninsufficient rights
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionvo does not exist
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 61 , "group" : 18 , "invitationData" : ["user2;mail2@mail.cz"] , "language" : "text" , "expiration" : "text" }

Example response


Creates invitations based on the CSV parameters, for each generates the UUID token, creates invitation link to the group application form with the token as parameter and sends it to the receiver's email. Optionally a redirect url can be passed, which the user will be redirected to after filling out the form. Should an error occur in the process, the created invitation is set to the UNSENT state.

Expected format: `receiverName;receiverEmail\n`

Parameter nameData typeDescription
vointVO id
groupintGroup id
invitationDatacsvfile values separated by semicolon ';'. Only [name; email] is valid format.
languageStringLanguage to be used in invitation, should match available locales of the instance
expirationStringLast date, when the expiration link is valid, yyyy-mm-dd format.
redirectUrlStringUrl to redirect to after filling out the application.
Thrown exceptionDescription
GroupNotExistsExceptiongroup does not exist
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
PrivilegeExceptioninsufficient rights
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
VoNotExistsExceptionvo does not exist
Return typeDescription

Example URL


Example params

{ "vo" : 43 , "group" : 7 , "invitationData" : ["user2;mail2@mail.cz"] , "language" : "text" , "expiration" : "text" , "redirectUrl" : "text" }

Example response


Changes status of invitation with specified id to revoked.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
ididof the invitation
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
sInvalidInvitationStatusException transition is not allowed from the current invitation status
sInvitationNotExistsException when invitation with this id does not exist
sPrivilegeException insufficient rights
Return typeDescription
Invitationobject with updated status

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} , "id" : {...} }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }

Changes status of invitation with specified uuid to revoked.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
uuiduuidof the invitation
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
sInvalidInvitationStatusException transition is not allowed from the current invitation status
sInvitationNotExistsException when invitation with this uuid does not exist
sPrivilegeException insufficient rights
Return typeDescription
Invitationobject with updated status

Example URL


Example params

{ "sess" : {...} , "uuid" : {...} }

Example response

{ ... TODO ... }