RPC API documentation v42.0.1

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Sends a message to RT. Member id is sent.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
memberIdintMember whose e-mail address will be user
queueStringRT queue
subjectStringMessage subject
textStringMessage text
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
RTMessageConfirmation with e-mail address the ticket was created for

Example URL


Example params

{ "memberId" : 66 , "queue" : "text" , "subject" : "text" , "text" : "text" }

Example response

{ "ticketNumber" : 32525 , "memberPreferredEmail" : "mail@mail.com" }

Sends a message to RT. VO id is sent.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
voIdintVO id
queueStringRT queue
subjectStringMessage subject
textStringMessage text
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
RTMessageConfirmation with e-mail address the ticket was created for

Example URL


Example params

{ "voId" : 59 , "queue" : "text" , "subject" : "text" , "text" : "text" }

Example response

{ "ticketNumber" : 32525 , "memberPreferredEmail" : "mail@mail.com" }

Sends a message to RT. VO id is sent. Queue is not sent.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
voIdintVO id
subjectStringMessage subject
textStringMessage text
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
RTMessageConfirmation with e-mail address the ticket was created for

Example URL


Example params

{ "voId" : 76 , "subject" : "text" , "text" : "text" }

Example response

{ "ticketNumber" : 32525 , "memberPreferredEmail" : "mail@mail.com" }

Sends a message to RT. Only text information is sent.

Parameter nameData typeDescription
queueStringRT queue
subjectStringMessage subject
textStringMessage text
Thrown exceptionDescription
InternalErrorExceptionWhen unspecified error occur. See exception param message for explanation.
PrivilegeExceptionWhen caller is not allowed to call this method. Result may vary based on caller identity and provided parameter values.
RpcExceptionWrong usage of API (wrong url, missing param etc.). See exception params message and type for explanation.
Return typeDescription
RTMessageConfirmation with e-mail address the ticket was created for

Example URL


Example params

{ "queue" : "text" , "subject" : "text" , "text" : "text" }

Example response

{ "ticketNumber" : 32525 , "memberPreferredEmail" : "mail@mail.com" }