Package cz.metacentrum.perun.core.impl.modules.attributes
package cz.metacentrum.perun.core.impl.modules.attributes
ClassDescriptionThis module checks if the regexes in the attribute are valid, making sure they can be used as a filter for domain names.Entityless attribute for mapping values of DNS address to specific state (or empty string).Config attribute for the eduPersonORCID module.Templates, for identity changes alerts.GID Ranges for specific namespace which can be managed by PerunNamespace_uid_policy attribute specifies how IDs are generated in the namespace.UID Ranges for specific namespace which can be managed by PerunModule for non authorized account activation mail template attribute.non authorized password reset mail template attributeThis attribute holds all AUPs for each organization/infrastructure managed by Perun and accessed by its ProxyIdP.UsedGidsModule for capabilities according to AARC specification. i.e. specification of resource and optional actions.Contains map of scratch dirs with their Unix permissions for the `fs_scratchdirs` service.Module of googleGroupsDomain attributeChecks if the value is valid unix permission mask.Created by Oliver Mrázik on 3. 7. 2014. author: Oliver Mrázik version: 2014-07-03Checks and fills at specified facility login namespace.Checks that value of m365AllowedLicensesPriorities is valid: - does not contain a null key - when a change is made, there is no m365LicenseGroup attribute under the same facility containing a license that no longer exists in this mapChecks if the value is absolute unix way to file.Attribute with information if quota is enabled on facilityChecks if all required AUP for facility are correct (available as keys in urn_perun_entityless_attribute_def_def_orgAups)Attribute module for rpEnvironment.Attribute module for rpProtocol.Module for service 'rt' used for setting output file name The path is always '/tmp/{name}'Permission for directory scratch set in service fs_scratchPermission for directory scratch set in service fs_scratch_localChecks if all the shells at specified facility are in proper format.Checks and fills at specified facility uid namespace.Modul of unixGID-namespace attributModul of unixGroupName-namespace attributGID Ranges computed for specific namespace on chosen facilityList of VO short names, which have resources on this facility.AD Name moduleContains regular expressions matching affiliations to auto approve applications for.Module to check value of application view configuration.Authoritative group module.Module for list of group IDs in which user is already valid member, his application will be automatically approved.Contains ID of BBMRI biobank collection.Flat group structure synchronizationGroup googleGroup-namespace attribute.Module for attribute groupExtSourceGroup structure synchronizationGroup synchronization filename Defines file inside the directory configured in the extsource definition.Attribute for checking HTML content of mail footer (in a Group).Last synchronization state moduleLast synchronization timestampModule for email addresses for Office365 at Masaryk University.Synchronization enabledClass for checking and filling unique IDs for groups in the Perun.Group unixGID-namespace attribute.Module for ad DisplayName defines way how to count a final value for display name of group in o365mu from existing attributes.Module returns group users in JSON structure with properties: "id", "login-namespace:elixir-persistent", "login-namespace:elixir" and "preferredMail" retrieved from respective user attributes.Virtual attribute for group detail URL in Perun Admin GUI.Short name of VO, that group belongs toAD Name module Name in AD for group and resource need to be unique in between other AD name where assigned resource has OU Name attribute with same value For example: If the group1 will be assigned to the resource1 and the group2 will be assigned to the resource2, on both resources will be attribute OU Name set to value 'SPECIFIC_OU', then value of attribute defined by this module need to be different (unique) for both groups (can't be same).Module for drupal group typeModule for email addresses for Office365 at Masaryk University.Project directory hard data quota moduleProject directory soft data quota moduleModule for project directory permissions.Module for project nameModule for project owner loginGroup-resource vomGroupName attribute.Group-resource voms roles.Module to resolve correct group name in G-suite (google groups) based on its domain.Module for list of VOs from where member comes.Checks and fills at specified membership expirationModule for email addresses for Office365 at Masaryk University.Message with information about suspension of a member.Returns true, if member's lifecycle can be altered (status change, expiration, deletion...), else returns false.Check if member is suspended in the Vo at this very moment.Returns list of member's mails, by default preferredMail and memberMail.Returns member-group status (VALID/EXPIRED) for specified member and groupReturns if member is INDIRECT for specified member and groupAttribute for setting all member resource specific data quotas.Attribute for setting override of the member's quota on the resource.Attribute for setting all member resource specific file quotas.Attribute for setting override of the member's quota on the resource.Virtual attribute to count all data quotas for member on resource.Virtual attribute to count all file quotas for member on resource.Get value for attribute as unified result of MemberGroupStatus for specified member and resource.Module for getting information if member is banned on resource.Attribute module for apacheAuthzFile attribute.Module for capabilities according to AARC specification. i.e. specification of resource and optional actions.Attribute for setting all default resource data quotas.Attribute for setting all default resource files quotas.Checks and fills default shells per resource.New module for attribute fairshareGroupNameContains map of scratch dirs with their Unix permissions for the `fs_scratchdirs` service.Check max length and presence of group Code in K4.Check max length of group name in K4.Check that priority is set for Group in K4.Checks k5login target userModule for suffix of Kerberos principals fileChecks that License group is present in m365AllowedLicensesPriorities mapChecks mail aliases target userAttribute for setting maximum of data quotas for any volume on defined resource.Attribute for setting maximum of file quotas for any volume on defined resource.Module for projects directory base pathChecks and fills shells at specified resourceModule for names of target users (to whose accounts are sshkeys stored).Resource unixGID-namespace attribute.Resource vomsRoles attribute.Compute value of all groups assigned to the Resource and return list of their names.Attribute module for isCesnetEligibleLastSeen, value is String representing timestamp.Attribute represents CN (common name) of user in a CEITECs ActiveDirectory server.Check constraint on C-SCALE user country codeCheck constraint on C-SCALE research fieldCheck constraint on C-SCALE user categoriesCheck constraint on C-SCALE user functionDeprecated.Attribute represents list of scoped affiliations.Checks syntax for expiration of employess relations (DC2) (used on VSUP)Checks syntax for expiration from study system (KOS) (used on VSUP)Checks syntax for manual expiration (used on VSUP)Attribute represents IP Addresses in ArrayList.Attribute module for isCesnetEligibleLastSeen, value is String representing timestamp.Attribute represents "visit" flag in K4 system.Attribute represents "permanent visit" flag in K4 system.Checks specified kerberos admin principal (check existence of only one kerberos principal)Class for checking login uniqueness in the namespace and filling login value in namespaceModule for admin-meta login namespace.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling bbmri-persistent id.Class for filling bbmriid shadow value.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling ceitec id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eduroam login (same as všup).Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling itClass for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eduteams-acc-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling itClass for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eduteams-persistent id.Module for EINFRA login namespace improves login checks with case-insensitive search!Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling einfraid-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling elixir-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling elterid-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling envriid-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eosc-beyond-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eosc-federation-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling erasmus-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eurofusion-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling itClass for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling fenix-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling geant-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling lifescienceid-persistent id.Class for checking login uniqueness in the namespace and filling login value (can be NULL)Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling mu-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling myaccessid-persistent id.Deprecated.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling surf-ram-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling umbrellaid-persistent id.Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling vsup id.Checks generic mail for mail aliasesCheck if value of mfaEnforceSetting attribute is validCheck if OSB_ID of person from DC2 system is not empty (ID of employee on VŠUP).Attribute represents timezone of the user's location.Update title before name on User if value in attribute is changed.Attribute module for setting title before name from KOS.Attribute module for generating unique UČO for every person in VŠUP.Checks and fills at specified facility users UID.Attribute module for Primary school mail at VŠUP.Storage for all spare mail aliases of a person at VŠUP.Attribute module for storing basic/backup school mail of persons at VŠUP.Attribute module for storing preferred mail of a user at VŠUP.All identifiers collected from: - UserExtSource attribute additionalIdentifiersAll alternative logins of user collected from UserExtSources attributes as list of schacHomeOrganization:altLoginGet user anonymization flag (user was anonymized).Module for virtual user attribute associatedUsersMails.All entitlements collected from: - UserExtSources attributes - urn:perun:user:attribute-def:virt:groupNamesORCIDs collected from UserExtSources attributes.User edu Person principal Names (eppn)All affiliations collected from: - UserExtSources attributes - urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:eduPersonScopedAffiliationsManuallyAssigned - urn:perun:group:attribute-def:def:groupAffiliationsAll eIDASPersonIdentifiers collected from UserExtSources attributes eIDASPersonIdentifier.All eduPersonUniqueIds collected from UserExtSources attributes.All europeanStudentIDs collected from UserExtSources attributes europeanStudentID.All affiliations collected from: ues:def:voPersonExternalAffiliationContains all group names of the userVirtual user's attribute for converting schacHomeOrganization names to country names.Get and set specified user krb Principal Name in arrayList included all userExtSources which are type of KERBEROSModule for user virtual attribute loaAll loaFenix values collected from UserExtSources attributes are collected and the lowest value is then returned as the result.Class for access def:bbmri-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:bbmriid-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:eduteams-acc-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:eduteams-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:login-namespace:einfraid-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:elixir-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:login-namespace:elterid-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:login-namespace:envriid-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:eosc-beyond-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:eosc-federation-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:erasmus-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:eurofusion-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:fenix-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:geant-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:lifescienceid-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:login-namespace:mu-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:myaccessid-persistent-shadow attribute.Deprecated.Class for access def:surf-ram-persistent-shadow attribute.Class for access def:umbrellaid-persistent-shadow attribute.Checks specified users logins in google namespace.Checks specified users mails in google namespace.Checks specified users mails in microsoft namespace.Attribute module for mfaStatus attribute.Attribute, that contains login, only if it is available in the namespace.Contains login in the EGI namespace if it is available, if not the value is null.Contains login in the MU namespace if it is available, if not the value is nullGet phone number for VŠUP from all possibilities.All schacHomeOrganizations collected from UserExtSources attributes.All user's unique codes collected from UserExtSources attributes.Contains login in the MU namespace concatenated with if it is available, null otherwisePairs of IdP identificator and user's EPPN.Get all records (as list) of attribute group:def:sponsorOrganizationIdentifier from any Group where user is valid Member.Reacts on audit messages about adding, removing... member to group.Get all emails from Perun for purpose of TCS.Generic module which takes login-namespace attribute for a specific namespace and returns the unscoped value of the attribute.Get and set specified user certDNs in hashMap included all userExtSources which are type of X509Get and set specified user certificate expirationThis attribute module is used to filter user certificates only to ten newest according to certificates expirationVirtual attribute for user's eligibilities.Map of vos where user is member to member attribute of organization.Dirac Nickname is defined like login in egi-ui, if not exists, then it is emptyAll affiliations collected from: - UserExtSources attributes - urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:voPersonExternalAffiliationManuallyAssigned - urn:perun:group:attribute-def:def:groupAffiliationsModule for checking user's home mount point on facility.Checks and fills shell for a specified user at the particular facility.Virtual attribute to count all data quotas for user on facility.Virtual attribute for Office 365 email forwarding.Virtual attribute to count all file quotas for user on facility.Get value for attribute as unified result of MemberGroupStatus for specified user and facility.Module for getting information if user is banned on facility.Checks and fills at specified facility users login.Checks and fills at specified facility users preferred unix Group Name Empty list if user has no preferrences.Checks and fills at specified facility users UID.Contains regular expressions matching affiliations to auto approve applications for.Module to check value of application view configuration.This attribute holds all AUPs specific for each VO managed by Perun and its services accessed by ProxyIdP.Module for list of group IDs in which user is already valid member, his application to any group in Vo will be automatically approved.Attribute for checking HTML content of mail footer (in a VO)