All Classes and Interfaces

Extensible stub for all Runners (periodic threads used in dispatcher).
Password manager for admin-meta login-namespace.
Thrown when trying to assign role to a user/group while the user/group already has the role.
This exception is thrown when the user is already a member of the Vo/group.
This exception is thrown when the user's login is already reserved and thus not unique
Member is already flagged as sponsored and something is trying to set it again.
This exception is thrown when the user is already a sponsor of the member.
This exception is thrown when trying to get anonymized value of the attribute, whose module doesn't specify the anonymization process in method getAnonymizedValue().
Represents an application by a user to a VO.
Application form of a VO.
Item of a form for an application to a VO.
Enumeration for types of application form items.
Application form data as submitted by a user.
Application form item with a value prefilled.
Object definition for mail notifications used for registration process (messages to user and vo admins)
Inner class used for localized texts in mail message
Available mail types
Represents a pair of application id along with a result of an operation on the app - null if successful, exception otherwise.
Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated applications.
Class representing a query requesting a specific page of applications.
Represents group assigned to a resource.
Represents member of group assigned to resource
Represents resource assigned to a group.
This class represents attribute (with value) of some object (VO, member).
Represents types of actions that users can perform upon attributes.
This exception is thrown when you try to assign attribute as required by the service but the attribute has already been assigned.
Attribute is already marked as unique.
This class represents definition of attribute.
Attribute already exists in underlying data source.
This exception is used when trying to remove an attribute from the service that hasn't been assigned before.
This exception is thrown when the attribute definition does not exist in the database.
Attribute is not marked as unique.
Represents a policy of an attribute.
Represents a policy collection of an attribute.
Class containing attribute policies and information which actions are critical
AttributesManager buisness logic.
AttributesManager entry logic.
AttributesManager implementation.
Abstract class for all attributes modules
This interface serves as a template for defined common properties
Something is wrong with attribute value.
This class represent audit information.
This class is responsible for runtime logging of audit events.
Wrapper for AuditEvent associating it with originating user session.
This is a wrapper around AuditEvent with metadata, like ID, timestamp, and actor.
AuditMessagesManager manages audit messages (logs).
AuditMessagesManager manages audit messages (logs).
AuditMessagesManager manages audit messages (logs).
AuditMessagesManager manages audit messages (logs).
Implementation of AuditMessagesManagerImplApi with methods used to read stored auditer messages.
This interface represents AuditMessagesManagerImpl methods.
Class representing author.
Class represents Authorship = connection between publication and its author.
Authorization resolver.
Authorization resolver.
This interface represents AuthzResolver methods.
Represents ban for someone on something in perun.
This exception is thrown when the ban on the facility/resource/vo already exists
This exception is thrown when the ban on the facility/resource does not exist
Represents specific ban of user on facility.
Represents specific ban of member on resource.
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
Beans Utilities.
Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated blocked logins.
Class representing a query requesting a specific page of blocked logins.
Candidate member of a Virtual Organization or candidate user.
Group obtained from an extSource with the login and login of its parent in the external source.
This exception is thrown when the candidate does not exist in the ExtSource It is thrown when search for candidates in ExtSource returned a unique identifier, for which no additional data was found in the ExtSource
Candidate used in group synchronization.
This class represents a category (of publication).
This class provide support for compatibility issues.
ConfigManager serves to manage configuration files.
ConfigManager serves to manage configuration files.
ConfigManager entry logic.
ConfigManager serves to manage configuration files.
Represents consent from a user to process their information
This exception is thrown when trying to create a consent with the same data that is already in database.
Represents a list of facilities with joint consent management.
Thrown when trying to removed consent hub which is not in a database.
Thrown when trying to create consent hub with name that already exists.
Thrown when the Consent Hub has not been found in the database
Thrown when trying to retrieve a consent that doesn't exist from the database
Consents entry logic.
Consents BL logic.
Consents BL logic.
Consents entry logic.
Consents database logic.
Consents database logic.
This exception raises when some inconsistency in underlying data sources occurs.
Core configuration values.
Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.
Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.
Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.
Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.
Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.
Database manager can work with database version and upgraded state of perun DB.
Object for representation of database version.
This component checks that none of the default blocked logins is already used.
This exception is thrown when the deletion is not supported on any instance - the config property userDeletionForced is set to false
Subclasses of Deserializer class provide methods to deserialize values supplied as name/value pairs in some form (ie. in JSON or as HTTP request parameters).
Subclasses of Deserializer class provide methods to deserialize values supplied as name/value pairs in some form (ie. in JSON or as HTTP request parameters).
Destination where services are propagated.
Exception is thrown when the destination has already been assigned to the facility and service.
Exception is thrown when the destination has already been removed from the facility and service.
Exception is thrown when the destination already exists
Exception is thrown when the destination does not exist
This exception raises when in the name of entity is any diacritic symbol.
Graph serializer for DOT format (*.gv)
Dummy password module for debugging.
Password manager for EGI-UI login-namespace.
Password manager for EINFRA login-namespace.
Password manager for EINFRA-SERVICES login-namespace.
This exception is thrown when submitting embedded groups' applications fail
Checked version of EmptyPasswordRuntimeException.
Marker interface for AuditEvent classes.
Marker interface for AuditEvent classes.
Contains the ban on facility, the facility itself and (rich)user which has been baned
Represents ban on resource with resource and member together with user/member attributes.
Class representing an extended version of ExtSource.
Represents facility with its owners, destinations and hosts.
Represents group with its attributes.
Host with list of all its attributes
Class represents user enriched identity for Consolidator purposes.
Class representing Resource object with its attributes
Represents VO with its hierarchy (parent + member VOS).
It represents parent class for *AlreadyAssignedException classes.
It represents parent class for *ExistsException classes.
Abstract class for Entityless Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking entityless attributes.
It represents parent class for *NotAssignedException classes.
It represents parent class for *NotExistsException classes.
Thrown when call to user info endpoint ends up with error HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN
Thrown when the membership could not be extended.
This exception raises when group is externally managed which means that group membership is managed by external source (group synchronization) and thus manual changes to the group membership are prohibited.
External Source Bean
This exception is thrown when the ExtSource is already associated with the Vo/group.
This exception is thrown when the ExtSource has already been deleted or removed from the Vo/group.
Definition of extSource api.
Ext source for CSV files.
This extSource is just for use loading users from LDAP of EGI SSO Need to be concrete because special parsing of user certificates.
This exception is thrown when creating an ExtSource which already exists
Ext source implementation for Google Groups.
Dummy ExtSource - IdP - Identity federation
Common ancestor of ExtSource implementations.
This is a specific version of SQL extSource extension for SQL Complex.
Dummy ExtSource - Internal
XML extSource for groups in IS MU
Implementation of ExtSource for IT4I SCS API.
Ext source for JSON files.
Dummy ExtSource - Kerberos
Ext source implementation for LDAP.
This exception is thrown when the ExtSource has not been assigned to the vo or when trying to remove an association with the group/vo that it is not been assigned to.
This exception is thrown if the ExtSource does not exist
ExtSource for synchronization from another Perun instance
ExtSource class for REMS, filters subjects that does not have a corresponding user in Perun by ues REMS or by additionalueses in format: {extSourceName}|{extSourceClass}|{eppn}|0.
Definition of simple extSource api.
ExtSourcesManager entry logic.
Complex SQL extSource is extended SQL extSource with ability to get all subjects with all needed attributes by one query.
Class ExtSource for TCS Synchronize certificates from defined address to Perun for existing users (skip not existing users)
ExtSource implementation for Unity system.
This exception is thrown when the operation is not supported for this kind of ExtSource
Dummy ExtSource - X.508
Facility manager can create a new facility or find an existing facility.
Facility manager can create a new facility or find an existing facility.
Facility manager can create a new facility or find an existing facility.
Class represents facility.
This exception is thrown when facility is already assigned to a consent hub.
This exception is thrown when facility can't be deleted, because it doesn't exist anymore.
Abstract class for Facility Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking facilities attributes.
This exception is thrown when trying to create/update a facility with a name that is already used
Exception thrown when wrong facility provided.
This exception is thrown when trying to get a facility that does not exist in the database
Model class used to interpret facility propagation state in GUI
Abstract class for Facility Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Represents Facility with its attributes
This exception is thrown when forcing service propagation is not possible.
This exception is thrown when the form item does not exist in any application form
This class represents a node in the hierarchy of hashed data for provisioning.
This component is used to efficiently load required attributes.
Generic implementation of PasswordManagerModule.
This class represents a node in the hierarchy of hashed data for provisioning.
Class that defines relations in graph.
Class used for serializing graph data.
Group entity.
This exception is thrown when the group has already been assigned to the specific resource
This exception is thrown when the group has already been removed from the database
This exception is thrown when trying to remove the group from the resource that has already been removed
Abstract class for Group Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking facilities attributes.
This exception is thrown when trying to create a group whose vo_id, name and parent_group (if set) are identical to those of another group
Exception thrown when groups are not in the same VO, when required so.
Exception thrown when relation of two groups as parent-sub should exist, but does not.
Exception thrown when the group cannot be moved, because it's not allowed f.e.
This exception is thrown when the group is not admin of: facility, another group, resource, ...
This exception is thrown when group is not allowed to be added to auto registration.
This exception is thrown when trying to remove the group from the resource with which the group is not associated
This exception is thrown when group is not embedded in VO
This exception is thrown when trying to get a group which does not exist in the database
This exception is thrown when the relation between groups should not exist but it exists
Exception thrown when group relation cannot be removed. f.e. when it's part of the hierarchical structure of the groups
Exception thrown when relation between groups should exist but it does not
Exception thrown when the group relation cannot be created, because it's not allowed f.e. it would create cycle, one of the groups is members group...
Represents group-resource assignment with its status.
Abstract class for Resource Group Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking facilities attributes.
This exception is thrown when the group and resource are not in the same VO
Enum defining status of group-resource assignment.
This exception is thrown when it is not possible to perform an action on a group-resource assignment because of its status.
Abstract class for Resource Group Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Generates data in format:
Groups manager can do all work about groups in VOs.
Groups manager can do all work about groups in VOs.
GroupsManager business logic
GroupsManager entry logic
Implementation of GroupsManager
Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated groups.
Class representing a query requesting a specific page of groups.
This exception is thrown when the group structure synchronization is already running for given group
This exception is thrown when the synchronization for the group is already running
This exception is thrown when the synchronization for the group is not enabled
Abstract class for Group Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Class representing provisioning data structure with hashes.
Component used to generate hashes for objects.
This interface represents objects, which has a UUID.
Generates data in format:
Representation of the physical host.
This exception is thrown when trying to remove a host from the facility but the host has already been removed
Abstract class for Host Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
Interface for checking and filling in host's attributes.
This exception is to be thrown if host already exists in cluster.
This exception is to be thrown in case we are unable to look up the host computer in the Perun system.
Password manager for ICS-MUNI-CZ login-namespace.
Class represents user identity for Consolidator purposes.
Generates hashes based on ids of the beans.
This exception is thrown when there is an illegal value in the argument
Class representing an exception caused by an unexpected error.
Certificate is not valid - for a lots of different reasons (like unsupported subject, expired etc.)
This exception is thrown when trying to set consent status on an invalid value.
This exception is thrown when the login fails syntax check enforced by its namespace
Invitation to a group sent via email.
Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated invitations.
Class representing a query requesting a specific page of invitations.
Status of Invitation.
This class represents the response returned from the IS.
Service used to communicate with the IS MU.
Class JdbcPerunTemplate extends JdbcTemplate from spring. - it has 1 additional method queryForObject(String sql, ResultSetExtractor rse, Object... args)
Deserializer for JSON / JSONP data format.
Deserializer that reads values from JSON content.
JSON serializer.
JSON serializer.
JSON lite serializer which strips auditing data from Perun beans.
JSONP serializer.
JSON simple serializer which strips a lot of object params (used by engine).
Password manager for lifescienceid-username.
Serializer that can be used to serialize a LocalDate into format 'yyyy-MM-dd'
This exception is thrown when the login is already in use in the specific namespace
Thrown when the given login is already blocked for the given namespace Thrown also if the given namespace is null and the given login is already blocked globally
Thrown when the given login is not blocked for the given namespace Thrown also if the given namespace is null and the given login is not blocked globally
This exception is thrown when the login wasn't found in the specific namespace
Checked version of LoginNotExistsRuntimeException.
This exception raises when some property of entity is too long.
Member of a Virtual Organization.
This exception is thrown when trying to remove a member who has already been removed
Abstract class for Member Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
Interface for checking and filling in member's attributes.
Candidate with member and rich user of a Virtual Organization.
Abstract class for Member Group Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking and filling in attribute for a member in a specified group.
This exception is thrown when the member and group are not in the same VO
Enum defining member's status in group
Abstract class for Member Group Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for checking and filling in virtual attribute for a member in a specified group.
Operation altering member's lifecycle is forbidden (e.g. cannot change expiration of hierarchical vo's members, if they come from member vos)
This exception is thrown when the member doesn't exist or isn't a member of the specific VO or wasn't found using userExtSource
Member is not flagged as sponsored, but somebody tries to add a sponsor to it..
Operation required suspended member, but this member is not suspended at all.
Operation required complete member.
Abstract class for Resource Member Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking and fillind in attribute for a member at a specified Resource.
This exception is thrown when the member and resource are not in the same VO
Abstract class for Resource Member Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
This exception is thrown when trying to add member to the group from other VO
MembersManager can find members.
MembersManager can find members.
MembersManager can find members.
Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated members.
Class representing a query requesting a specific page of members.
Abstract class for Member Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Sponsored member with list of his sponsors (for GUI)
Class representing a query requesting a specific page of audit messages.
This exception is thrown when principal has roles always requiring MFA and roles always skipping MFA at the same time
This exception is thrown when principal is performing MFA-requiring action but is not authenticated with Multi-Factor
This exception is thrown when principal has role always requiring MFA but is not authenticated with Multi-Factor
This exception is thrown when principal has roles always requiring MFA and the auth time is older than the limit defined in the config
This exception is thrown when principal is performing MFA-requiring action and the auth time is older than the limit defined in the config
This exception is thrown when verifying Multi-factor authentication fails.
This exception raises when name of entity is not long enough.
Thrown when application form doesn't contain submit or auto-submit button when it should
Implementation of NodeGenerator for nodes representing attribute moduels.
This exception is thrown when the virtual attribute module for an attribute does not exist
This exception is thrown when the loading of module configuration property is not found or it fails.
Shared logic for purpose of login generation
Define joining function for anonymous classes
Thrown when application form contains multiple application form items of such type that maximum 1 is allowed.
Password manager implementation for MU login-namespace. !!
This exception is thrown when trying to get a namespace rules which does not exist in the LoginNamespacesRulesConfigContainer
Class representing node in Graph.
Implementation of GraphGenerator.
This exception is thrown when the member is not a member of the group or does not exist at all
This exception is thrown when the user doesn't have the chosen attribute for mail set, where the notification should be sent to.
This exception is thrown when expecting a user who is not service user or expecting a user who is not sponsored
This exception raises when a number is not in the range of numbers.
This exception raises when in the name of entity is any number.
Exception thrown when IDs in passed API object do not match real state in Perun.
This exception is thrown when trying to get an OidcConfig, but OIDC config file does not exist.
This exception is thrown when trying to get an OidcConfig which does not exist in PerunOidConfigContainer.
This exception is thrown when some open application exists.
This exception is thrown when the owner has already been assigned to the facility
This exception is thrown when the owner has already been removed from the facility
This exception is thrown when the owner does not exist in the database
This class represents paginated data.
This exception is thrown when the parent group for the group does not exist
This exception raises when some parsing problem occur (regex, matcher, pattern, etc.)
This exception is thrown when there is missing important part after parsing user name.
This exception is thrown when the password could not be changed because it failed for various reasons
Checked version of PasswordChangeFailedRuntimeException.
This exception is thrown when the password could not be changed because the login is unavailable or other various problems occurred
Checked version of PasswordCreationFailedRuntimeException.
This exception is thrown when the password could not be deleted because it's not reserved, it's in use or other various reasons
Checked version of PasswordCreationFailedRuntimeException.
This exception is thrown when the old password doesn't match
Checked version of PasswordDoesntMatchRuntimeException.
Interface defining function of password manager module.
Thrown when operation with password in backend exceeds expected limit.
Thrown when operation with password in backend exceeds expected limit.
This exception is thrown when password reset link expired (after couple of hours).
This exception is thrown when password reset link is not valid because it was either already used or has never existed.
This exception is thrown when password fails strength check required by the namespace
Thrown when password doesn't match expected strength requirements.
Thrown when password doesn't match expected strength requirements.
Implementation of Serializer that returns PDF files.
This exception is thrown when a change of the user's data is not enabled.
Perun himself.
Class holding configuration of perun apps brandings and apps' domains.
Class holding data for a single branding.
Class holding domains of new gui applications.
DataSource used instead of HikariDataSource in Perun to override getConnection.
Basic class.
Checked version of PerunBeanNotSupportedException.
Processing pool for processing PerunBeans as jobs.
Perun himself.
Implementation of Perun.
Representing client user (or machine) using to communicate with perun.
Implementation of connection used in Perun to catch connection events.
The base of Perun checked exceptions.
Methods and structures for working with locks on objects and actions.
Configurator for logback logging framework.
PerunPoliciesContainer stores a list of perun policies and map of role management rules..
PerunPolicy represents a set of rules which is used to determine principal's access rights.
Identification of the acting person.
Class containing information about PerunRequest.
The purpose of the PerunRolesLoader is to load perun roles and other policies from the perun-roles.yml configuration file.
Encapsulates context of user's interaction with the Perun system.
Session - you need it for almost all operation.
This exception is thrown when trying to get a policy which does not exist in the PerunPoliciesContainer
Checked version of PrivilegeException.
Class represents single Publication.
Extension for single publication which provides more info for GUI
Class represents a publication system, i.e. prezentator.
Raised when transferred quotas attribute value is not in defined limit.
This exception means that some relation or dependency exists which prevents to execute the action.
This exception means that some relation or dependency not exists which prevents to execute the action.
Represents resource.
This exception is thrown when the resource can't be removed because it is not in the database anymore
Component responsible for activating group-resource assignments in PROCESSING or FAILED state after Perun startup.
This component is periodically called to search for and fix inconsistencies in automatic group-resource assignments.
Abstract class for Resource Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking and filling in resource's attributes.
This exception is thrown when the resource could not be created/updated because there is already a resource with the same name
This exception is thrown when trying to get a resource which does not exist in the database
Event for setting the ResourceSelfService role for group.
Event for setting the ResourceSelfService role for user.
Event for removing the ResourceSelfService role for group.
Event for removing the ResourceSelfService role for user.
Manages resources.
Manages resources.
Manages resources.
Created by Oliver Mrazik a Simona Kruppova on 28. 7. 2014.
Resource Tag entity.
This exception is thrown when the resourceTag has already been assigned to the resource
This exception is thrown when trying to remove a resourceTag which has already been removed
This exception is thrown when trying to get a resourceTag that does not exist in the database
Abstract class for Resource Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Application including form item data
Destination where services are propagated.
Facility with list of all its owners
Group with list of all its attributes.
Member of a Virtual Organization.
Object which represents RichResource
Class representing an extended version of UserExtSource.
This exception is thrown when trying to set a role which is already set for given entities.
This exception is thrown when trying to set or unset a role which cannot be managed by anyone.
This exception is thrown when it is not possible to set a given role.
RoleManagementRules represents a set of rules which is used to determine principal's access rights for managing and reading a role.
This exception is thrown when trying to get a role management rules which does not exist in the PerunPoliciesContainer
This exception is thrown when trying to unset a role which was not set for given entities.
Checked version of RoleNotSupportedException.
Represents objects, upon which Perun roles can be set, e.g. role RESOURCEADMIN can be set upon Resource, Vo, Facility or no object (None).
The role + RoleObject combination of AttributePolicy is not supported
This enum represents possible RPC error types.
RT message bean
RTMessage manager can create a new message and send it to RT like predefined service user.
RTMessage manager can create a new message and send it to RT like predefined service user.
RTMessage manager can create a new message and send it to RT like predefined service user.
RTMessage manager can create a new message and send it to RT like predefined service user.
Interface for all Runners (periodic threads used in dispatcher/engine).
This module allows us to set alternative password for Samba share services.
Searcher Class for searching objects by Map of Attributes
Searcher Class for searching objects by Map of Attributes
Searcher Class for searching objects by Map of Attributes
Searcher Class for searching objects by Map of Attributes
Sending part of original Task.
Represent state in which sending task is
Subclasses of Serializer class provide methods to serialize PerunAPI's datatypes (as JSON, for example).
Subclasses of Serializer class provide methods to serialize PerunAPI's datatypes (as JSON, for example).
This exception is thrown when the service has already been assigned to the resource.
This exception is thrown when the service is already blocked/banned on facility/destination.
This exception is thrown when trying to delete a service that has already been deleted from the database
This exception is thrown when trying to remove service from service package but the service has already been removed
This exception is thrown when trying to add attributes which are forbidden unless the service is globally disabled.
This exception is thrown when trying to create a service with a name that has already been used
Extension of Service (from Perun-Core) to provide more info for GUI
This exception is thrown when trying to unblock service which is not blocked.
This exception is thrown when trying to remove service from resource but the service hasn't been assigned to the resource.
This exception is thrown when the service has not been found in the database
This exception is thrown when trying to create servicePackage with a name that has already been used
This exception is thrown when the servicePackage has not been found in the database
ServiceState is object containing information about one service propagated on one facility.
Password manager for SITOLA login-namespace.
This annotation is used for virtual attribute modules marking.
This exception raises when the name of entity contains at least one space.
This exception raises when in the name of entity is any special char.
This exception is thrown when trying to delete a specific user that has already been deleted
Thrown when expecting specificUser but the user was not specificUser
This exception means that serviceUser can't exist without any assigned user.
Thrown when trying to remove specificUser's owner who has already been removed as an owner
Class representing a Sponsor for some specific member.
Class representing relationship between a sponsor (User id) and sponsored member (Member id).
Validation of SSH key failed for some reason
Validates SSH keys using predefined rules and the `ssh-keygen` tool as a final check
Thrown when the subGroup cannot be removed
Thrown when the subject with the specific login has not been found in the database
Class used for scheduling group and group structure synchronizations.
Synchronizer, general tool for synchronization tasks.
This interface describes basic Task storing functionality, where every Task is uniquely represented by both its ID, and the Facility and Service it contains.
Thrown when Task can't be added or removed from a TaskStore.
Implementation of TaskStore as in-memory pool.
Graph serializer for TGF format (*.tgf)
Class represents Thanks = expression of acknowledgment from authors to facility owners.
Extension for single Thanks to provide GUI more info
Deserializer for URL data format.
This module checks if the regexes in the attribute are valid, making sure they can be used as a filter for domain names.
Entityless attribute for mapping values of DNS address to specific state (or empty string).
Config attribute for the eduPersonORCID module.
Templates, for identity changes alerts.
GID Ranges for specific namespace which can be managed by Perun
Namespace_uid_policy attribute specifies how IDs are generated in the namespace.
UID Ranges for specific namespace which can be managed by Perun
Module for non authorized account activation mail template attribute.
non authorized password reset mail template attribute
This attribute holds all AUPs for each organization/infrastructure managed by Perun and accessed by its ProxyIdP.
Module for capabilities according to AARC specification. i.e. specification of resource and optional actions.
Contains map of scratch dirs with their Unix permissions for the `fs_scratchdirs` service.
Module of googleGroupsDomain attribute
Checks if the value is valid unix permission mask.
Created by Oliver Mrázik on 3. 7. 2014. author: Oliver Mrázik version: 2014-07-03
Checks and fills at specified facility login namespace.
Checks that value of m365AllowedLicensesPriorities is valid: - does not contain a null key - when a change is made, there is no m365LicenseGroup attribute under the same facility containing a license that no longer exists in this map
Checks if the value is absolute unix way to file.
Attribute with information if quota is enabled on facility
Checks if all required AUP for facility are correct (available as keys in urn_perun_entityless_attribute_def_def_orgAups)
Attribute module for rpEnvironment.
Attribute module for rpProtocol.
Module for service 'rt' used for setting output file name The path is always '/tmp/{name}'
Permission for directory scratch set in service fs_scratch
Permission for directory scratch set in service fs_scratch_local
Checks if all the shells at specified facility are in proper format.
Checks and fills at specified facility uid namespace.
Modul of unixGID-namespace attribut
Modul of unixGroupName-namespace attribut
GID Ranges computed for specific namespace on chosen facility
List of VO short names, which have resources on this facility.
AD Name module
Contains regular expressions matching affiliations to auto approve applications for.
Module to check value of application view configuration.
Authoritative group module.
Module for list of group IDs in which user is already valid member, his application will be automatically approved.
Contains ID of BBMRI biobank collection.
Flat group structure synchronization
Group googleGroup-namespace attribute.
Module for attribute groupExtSource
Group structure synchronization
Group synchronization filename Defines file inside the directory configured in the extsource definition.
Attribute for checking HTML content of mail footer (in a Group).
Last synchronization state module
Last synchronization timestamp
Module for email addresses for Office365 at Masaryk University.
Synchronization enabled
Class for checking and filling unique IDs for groups in the Perun.
Group unixGID-namespace attribute.
Module for ad DisplayName defines way how to count a final value for display name of group in o365mu from existing attributes.
Module returns group users in JSON structure with properties: "id", "login-namespace:elixir-persistent", "login-namespace:elixir" and "preferredMail" retrieved from respective user attributes.
Virtual attribute for group detail URL in Perun Admin GUI.
Short name of VO, that group belongs to
AD Name module Name in AD for group and resource need to be unique in between other AD name where assigned resource has OU Name attribute with same value For example: If the group1 will be assigned to the resource1 and the group2 will be assigned to the resource2, on both resources will be attribute OU Name set to value 'SPECIFIC_OU', then value of attribute defined by this module need to be different (unique) for both groups (can't be same).
Module for drupal group type
Module for email addresses for Office365 at Masaryk University.
Project directory hard data quota module
Project directory soft data quota module
Module for project directory permissions.
Module for project name
Module for project owner login
Group-resource vomGroupName attribute.
Group-resource voms roles.
Module to resolve correct group name in G-suite (google groups) based on its domain.
Module for list of VOs from where member comes.
Checks and fills at specified membership expiration
Module for email addresses for Office365 at Masaryk University.
Message with information about suspension of a member.
Returns true, if member's lifecycle can be altered (status change, expiration, deletion...), else returns false.
Check if member is suspended in the Vo at this very moment.
Returns list of member's mails, by default preferredMail and memberMail.
Returns member-group status (VALID/EXPIRED) for specified member and group
Returns if member is INDIRECT for specified member and group
Attribute for setting all member resource specific data quotas.
Attribute for setting override of the member's quota on the resource.
Attribute for setting all member resource specific file quotas.
Attribute for setting override of the member's quota on the resource.
Virtual attribute to count all data quotas for member on resource.
Virtual attribute to count all file quotas for member on resource.
Get value for attribute as unified result of MemberGroupStatus for specified member and resource.
Module for getting information if member is banned on resource.
Attribute module for apacheAuthzFile attribute.
Module for capabilities according to AARC specification. i.e. specification of resource and optional actions.
Attribute for setting all default resource data quotas.
Attribute for setting all default resource files quotas.
Checks and fills default shells per resource.
New module for attribute fairshareGroupName
Contains map of scratch dirs with their Unix permissions for the `fs_scratchdirs` service.
Check max length and presence of group Code in K4.
Check max length of group name in K4.
Check that priority is set for Group in K4.
Checks k5login target user
Module for suffix of Kerberos principals file
Checks that License group is present in m365AllowedLicensesPriorities map
Checks mail aliases target user
Attribute for setting maximum of data quotas for any volume on defined resource.
Attribute for setting maximum of file quotas for any volume on defined resource.
Module for projects directory base path
Checks and fills shells at specified resource
Module for names of target users (to whose accounts are sshkeys stored).
Resource unixGID-namespace attribute.
Resource vomsRoles attribute.
Compute value of all groups assigned to the Resource and return list of their names.
Attribute module for isCesnetEligibleLastSeen, value is String representing timestamp.
Attribute represents CN (common name) of user in a CEITECs ActiveDirectory server.
Check constraint on C-SCALE user country code
Check constraint on C-SCALE research field
Check constraint on C-SCALE user categories
Check constraint on C-SCALE user function
Attribute represents list of scoped affiliations.
Checks syntax for expiration of employess relations (DC2) (used on VSUP)
Checks syntax for expiration from study system (KOS) (used on VSUP)
Checks syntax for manual expiration (used on VSUP)
Attribute represents IP Addresses in ArrayList.
Attribute module for isCesnetEligibleLastSeen, value is String representing timestamp.
Attribute represents "visit" flag in K4 system.
Attribute represents "permanent visit" flag in K4 system.
Checks specified kerberos admin principal (check existence of only one kerberos principal)
Class for checking login uniqueness in the namespace and filling login value in namespace
Module for admin-meta login namespace.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling bbmri-persistent id.
Class for filling bbmriid shadow value.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling ceitec id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eduroam login (same as všup).
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling it
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eduteams-acc-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling it
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eduteams-persistent id.
Module for EINFRA login namespace improves login checks with case-insensitive search!
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling einfraid-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling elixir-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling elterid-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling envriid-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eosc-beyond-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eosc-federation-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling erasmus-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling eurofusion-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling it
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling fenix-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling geant-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling lifescienceid-persistent id.
Class for checking login uniqueness in the namespace and filling login value (can be NULL)
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling mu-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling myaccessid-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling surf-ram-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling umbrellaid-persistent id.
Class for checking logins uniqueness in the namespace and filling vsup id.
Checks generic mail for mail aliases
Check if value of mfaEnforceSetting attribute is valid
Check if OSB_ID of person from DC2 system is not empty (ID of employee on VŠUP).
Attribute represents timezone of the user's location.
Update title before name on User if value in attribute is changed.
Attribute module for setting title before name from KOS.
Attribute module for generating unique UČO for every person in VŠUP.
Checks and fills at specified facility users UID.
Attribute module for Primary school mail at VŠUP.
Storage for all spare mail aliases of a person at VŠUP.
Attribute module for storing basic/backup school mail of persons at VŠUP.
Attribute module for storing preferred mail of a user at VŠUP.
All identifiers collected from: - UserExtSource attribute additionalIdentifiers
All alternative logins of user collected from UserExtSources attributes as list of schacHomeOrganization:altLogin
Get user anonymization flag (user was anonymized).
Module for virtual user attribute associatedUsersMails.
All entitlements collected from: - UserExtSources attributes - urn:perun:user:attribute-def:virt:groupNames
ORCIDs collected from UserExtSources attributes.
User edu Person principal Names (eppn)
All affiliations collected from: - UserExtSources attributes - urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:eduPersonScopedAffiliationsManuallyAssigned - urn:perun:group:attribute-def:def:groupAffiliations
All eIDASPersonIdentifiers collected from UserExtSources attributes eIDASPersonIdentifier.
All eduPersonUniqueIds collected from UserExtSources attributes.
All europeanStudentIDs collected from UserExtSources attributes europeanStudentID.
All affiliations collected from: ues:def:voPersonExternalAffiliation
Contains all group names of the user
Virtual user's attribute for converting schacHomeOrganization names to country names.
Get and set specified user krb Principal Name in arrayList included all userExtSources which are type of KERBEROS
Module for user virtual attribute loa
All loaFenix values collected from UserExtSources attributes are collected and the lowest value is then returned as the result.
Class for access def:bbmri-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:bbmriid-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:eduteams-acc-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:eduteams-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:login-namespace:einfraid-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:elixir-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:login-namespace:elterid-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:login-namespace:envriid-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:eosc-beyond-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:eosc-federation-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:erasmus-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:eurofusion-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:fenix-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:geant-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:lifescienceid-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:login-namespace:mu-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:myaccessid-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:surf-ram-persistent-shadow attribute.
Class for access def:umbrellaid-persistent-shadow attribute.
Checks specified users logins in google namespace.
Checks specified users mails in google namespace.
Checks specified users mails in microsoft namespace.
Attribute module for mfaStatus attribute.
Attribute, that contains login, only if it is available in the namespace.
Contains login in the EGI namespace if it is available, if not the value is null.
Contains login in the MU namespace if it is available, if not the value is null
Get phone number for VŠUP from all possibilities.
All schacHomeOrganizations collected from UserExtSources attributes.
All user's unique codes collected from UserExtSources attributes.
Contains login in the MU namespace concatenated with if it is available, null otherwise
Pairs of IdP identificator and user's EPPN.
Get all records (as list) of attribute group:def:sponsorOrganizationIdentifier from any Group where user is valid Member.
Reacts on audit messages about adding, removing... member to group.
Get all emails from Perun for purpose of TCS.
Generic module which takes login-namespace attribute for a specific namespace and returns the unscoped value of the attribute.
Get and set specified user certDNs in hashMap included all userExtSources which are type of X509
Get and set specified user certificate expiration
This attribute module is used to filter user certificates only to ten newest according to certificates expiration
Virtual attribute for user's eligibilities.
Map of vos where user is member to member attribute of organization.
Dirac Nickname is defined like login in egi-ui, if not exists, then it is empty
All affiliations collected from: - UserExtSources attributes - urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:voPersonExternalAffiliationManuallyAssigned - urn:perun:group:attribute-def:def:groupAffiliations
Module for checking user's home mount point on facility.
Checks and fills shell for a specified user at the particular facility.
Virtual attribute to count all data quotas for user on facility.
Virtual attribute for Office 365 email forwarding.
Virtual attribute to count all file quotas for user on facility.
Get value for attribute as unified result of MemberGroupStatus for specified user and facility.
Module for getting information if user is banned on facility.
Checks and fills at specified facility users login.
Checks and fills at specified facility users preferred unix Group Name Empty list if user has no preferrences.
Checks and fills at specified facility users UID.
Contains regular expressions matching affiliations to auto approve applications for.
Module to check value of application view configuration.
This attribute holds all AUPs specific for each VO managed by Perun and its services accessed by ProxyIdP.
Module for list of group IDs in which user is already valid member, his application to any group in Vo will be automatically approved.
Attribute for checking HTML content of mail footer (in a VO)
Represents user of some source.
This exception is thrown when the user has already been removed
Abstract class for User Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
Interface for checking and filling in user's attributes.
User external authentication.
Thrown when trying to remove an userExtSource which has already been removed
Abstract class for UserExtSource Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking and fillind in attribute for a member at a specified UserExtSource.
Thrown when userExtSource with the specific login already exists
Thrown when the userExtSource has not been found either because it is not in the database or additional identifiers were not provided
Abstract class for UserExtSource Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Abstract class for Facility User Attributes modules.
Abstract class for Facility User Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Class for executing call to User info endpoint.
Class representing response from http request to UserInfoEndpoint
Thrown when the user is not the admin or is not in a role allowing him to do a specific action
Thrown when the user has not been found in the database
Thrown when the user is not in required role.
Abstract class that can be used to created persistent shadow modules.
Abstract class that can be used to created persistent shadow modules.
UsersManager manages users.
UsersManager manages users.
UsersManager business logic
UsersManager entry logic
UsersManager implementation.
UsersManager can find users.
Class representing columns, that can be used to sort paginated users.
Class representing a query requesting a specific page of users.
Common ancestor class for user virtual attributes that just collect values from userExtSource attributes.
Functional interface for controlling AuditEvents.
Abstract class for User Virtual Attributes modules.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Switch to choose between sync or async or none member validation in all member creation-like methods.
This interface serves as a template for virtual attributes.
Vo entity.
Abstract class for Vo Attributes modules. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implements methods for modules to perform default function.
This interface serves as a template for checking and filling in Virtual Organization (Vo) attributes.
Thrown when trying to create a VO with an id or a name of another existing VO
Thrown when the VO has not been found in the database
VOs manager can create, delete, update and find VO.
VOs manager can create, delete, update and find VO.
VosManager business logic
VosManager entry logic
VosManager implementation.
VOs manager can create, delete, update and find VO.
Thrown while assigning attribute to wrong entity.
Thrown when the attribute has wrong/illegal value.
Raised when working with a module which doesn't have expected type.
Pattern is not well-formed.
Exception, which is used for bad range of messages count for audit messages.
Attribute which is reference for used attribute has illegal value.